[Mailman-Developers] ~mailman/bin/mailmanctl -s start

Fil fil@rezo.net
Tue, 25 Dec 2001 00:31:12 +0100

@ J C Lawrence (claw@kanga.nu) :
> On Mon, 24 Dec 2001 12:30:34 +0100 
> fil  <fil@rezo.net> wrote:
> > What happens when the computer crashes then starts again? If the
> > pidfile stays there, mailctl start will fail. 
> Then your system init scripts are broken.  pidfiles go in /var/run
> -- which should be cleaned out by the system on initial boot, thus
> preventing the problem.

a 'grep pid' in the source directory gives me :

misc/mailman:# pidfile: /home/mailman/data/qrunner.pid
misc/mailman.in:# pidfile: @prefix@/data/qrunner.pid

so how does mailman know to put its pidfile into /var/run/ ??

I just can find /home/mailman/data/qrunner.pid ; and there is a lock file at

-- Fil, who's just put the presents under the tree.