[Mailman-Developers] [Patch] SMTPDirect.py wrongly closing the connection

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Sun, 16 Dec 2001 01:25:34 -0500


>>>>> "MM" == Marc MERLIN <marc_news@valinux.com> writes:

    MM> The answer is "No".  The reason mailman does two chunks is the
    MM> new code that splits per top tld.  I did a test with foo.org
    MM> and bar.com, which caused to chunks and two separate
    MM> deliveries to the MTA

> non-threaded and threaded delivery paths and think about the error
> conditions.  Probably the whole try/finally bit can be removed, and
> .quit() needs to be called when we're really done with the
> connection.  Attached is a patch that I think will do the trick, but I
> haven't tested it yet.

    MM> I tried it, and it seems to work fine. I now also get:
    MM> 2001-12-15 21:45:07 SMTP connection from localhost
    MM> (moremagic.merlins.org) [] closed by QUIT

Cool.  I've done some testing myself and I'm more confident about the
patch.  I've checked it in (it might be slightly modified from what I
sent you).

    MM> Kirkwood in California current has the deepest snow base in
    MM> all of the US (185 inches, but who's counting :-D)

We're actually getting some rain now (whoopee).

    MM> (typing in the car on the way back) Ummh, sure, I was thinking
    MM> about the patch while wrestling with the deep fresh powder
    MM> :-)))

:)  Sounds like you had a fun time!
