[Mailman-Developers] ScriptURL with aolserver

Ellen Spertus spertus@mills.edu
Sat, 15 Dec 2001 22:23:58 -0800

I think I've figured out what's behind the problems with links from 
administration pages that some users have reported 
For an example of the problem, see 
http://javamlm.mills.edu/mailman/admin/test/ and try following any link.

I am using aolserver 3.2, which seems to set nonstandard values for the 
environment variables SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO.  When I do a GET on 
"http://javamlm.mills.edu/mailman/admin/test", the values are:
SCRIPT_NAME: /mailman/admin/test
PATH_INFO: /test

When Utils.ScriptURL concatenates these, the result is the bogus fullpath 
"/mailman/admin/test/test", which leads to the bogus relative path 

- Use a behaving web server
- Use absolute URLs [which would probably break something else], e.g.,
    - change MailList.GetScriptURL
    - change Utils.ScriptURL
- Have a special case for noncompliant web servers
   - require a flag for aolserver users
   - infer that something's wrong if SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO end in the 
same string

I'd be happy to code a patch but could use advice on the best way to 
proceed without breaking something else (or perhaps people don't care about 
supporting aolserver).  I've also sent a query to the aolserver discussion 
list asking whether the behavior is a bug or a feature.
