[Mailman-Developers] Re: Preventing spam to list admins.

David Champion dgc@uchicago.edu
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 22:59:21 -0500

On 2001.08.28, in <24548.999055148@kanga.nu>,
	"J C Lawrence" <claw@kanga.nu> wrote:
> Heh.  It sounds like in the tradition of all the best open source
> projects all the real work for 3.0 ill be done in 2.x with the 3.0
> release being a retrospective, "Oh yeah, that worked!" release.

Could call it 2.99, just to aggrieve version-number zealots (like me).

'Course, if you were really after my goat, you'd start making "stable"
releases even-numbered, and "development" releases odd....

 -D.	dgc@uchicago.edu	NSIT	University of Chicago