[Mailman-Developers] feature suggestion: attachment mirroring

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 15:39:50 -0400

>>>>> "TV" == Trey Valenta <trey@anvils.org> writes:

    >> I think a nice feature would be for mailman to mirror large
    >> attachments (configurable size) on a website, and then replace
    >> the attachment with a link to the mirror, instead of sending it
    >> to everybody or rejecting the message.

    TV> It seems that this would be something that could be part of a
    TV> larger project, essentially involving MIME support. I wouldn't
    TV> want all attachments stripped but would like to be able to
    TV> strip them based on type; e.g. images or sound files are
    TV> stripped from the message before re-sending it, regular text
    TV> is kept.

I completely agree, but I decided that it will have to wait until
after MM2.1.
