[Mailman-Developers] Re: mm-handler

David Champion dgc@uchicago.edu
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 20:22:36 -0500

On 2001.08.13, in <20010813201531.C16110@smack.uchicago.edu>,
	"David Champion" <dgc@uchicago.edu> wrote:
> Finally, here's a draft that I think should be fairly complete. This
> copy of mm-handler is slightly different; it's a little less snooty and
> more easily configured, and its date treatment (for generating envelope
> From_ lines) is 2822-compliant instead of taking a fair shot in the Unix
> tradition.

Not that it matters. This is vestigial of a time when I hadn't yet
started using all the neat mailer flags that you can declare on a mailer
definition, and it's not actually relevant anymore. My brain just
stalled for a bit as I was writing that intro, and I improvised.

 -D.	dgc@uchicago.edu	NSIT	University of Chicago