[Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] postfix alias mailman 2.1a2

Rodolfo Pilas rodolfo@linux.org.uy
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 13:47:07 -0300

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El Mon, 13 Aug 2001 00:25:23 -0400
barry@zope.com (Barry A. Warsaw) ha escrito:

> I'm not able to reproduce this particular crash.  When I follow the
> directions in README.POSTFIX, everything works fine.  Could we be
> hitting a library mismatch between the version of bsddb linked to
> Postfix and the one linked to Python?  If so, that could make this
> approach fairly dicey.

Well, I fix the problem with these commands:

1) touch mailman/data/aliases
(give the file the gid and access as README.POSTFIX)

2) postalias hash:mailman/data/aliases
(this command creates an aliases.db)

There is another problem in Mailman/MTA/Postfix.py with the function
time.ctime() which requires a parameter in Python 2.0 but not in 2.1. The
CVS has been fixed by  Thomas Wouters but the file (of 2.1a2) can be fixed
with time.ctime(time.time()) , as Thomas explained me.

Because I run postfix as nobody:nogroup I need to configure mailman with
--with-mail-gid=nogroup as a difference of README.POSTFIX said.

Now I have all system working. An I wish to thank all of the help received
in mailman-users and mailman-developers lists. THANK YOU!

     -=((        Rodolfo Pilas - rodolfo@linux.org.uy        ))=-
   -==((( Are you ready for XtraLinuX - http://xtralinux.org )))==-
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