[Mailman-Developers] edit moderated messages?

Thomas M. Parris parris@isciences.com
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 10:00:16 -0400

I'm impressed by the level of attention you are all giving to this.  Here
are my thoughts.

1. admin page moderation
I like the idea of a button to bring up the entire message in an editable
text box.  However, this would only work for plan text messages.  It would
not work for those *@&^#*&! messages with embedded html/rtf markup.  It
would also be problematic for messages with attachments (e.g., word
processing files, PDF's, and the like).  Adequately addressing these two
issues would require a lot of development work (the equivalent of
constructing a full web-based mail interface).

2. email based moderation
This strikes me as a good solution.  Detecting edits (for insertion of the
notification phrase) would require some checksums.  Having all of the
messages as part of the message and daily notification messages would be

3. simplified forwarding the to list administrator.
This would solve my immediate problem and require little additional
development.    Indeed, my current work around is to "discard" and "foward"
to an approved address off of the web interface.  Automating this with a
"per-list" configuration option would simplify things greatly.  The only
downside is that all messages appear to come from the administrator address
as opposed to the original sender.  This is probably appropriate since this
option is intended to allow the administrator to change the message.
Eqtiquette then requires that the original poster be recognized in the body
of the message.  I usually do this by including the original "From:",
"Date:" and "Subject:" headers.

Best regards,