[Mailman-Developers] cron/mailpasswds

Michael Balzer balzer@bbcomp.de
Fri, 3 Aug 2001 10:20:05 +0200

dear mm developers,

may i suggest a change to cron/mailpasswds?

instead of using the same from address for all passwd
notifications, use a from address that reflects the
domain (virtual host).

reason: all replies to passwd reminders now go to
the main mailman-owner. it should be possible to
direct them to the mailman-owner of the domain

<     mailman_owner = mm_cfg.MAILMAN_OWNER
>         mailman_owner = 'mailman-owner@' + host

with a bit more context:
    for host, users in hosts.items():
        mailman_owner = 'mailman-owner@' + host
        subj = host + ' mailing list memberships reminder'

this change should be accompanied by a config var for
the 'mailman-owner' part + a documentation change, so
users know they can add some mailman-owner@domain.com
address for each virtual list domain.

michael balzer

ps: please reply to me directly, i'm not subscribed.
2BCom IT Solutions / Hasslinghauser Str. 156 / D-58285 Gevelsberg
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