[Mailman-Developers] Clean output with bin/withlist??

Scott Brown scott-brown@home.com
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 19:47:12 -0400

How do I __cleanly__ get the "prefered domain" that is associated with a
given list?

I'm sure this is possible with the "withlist"... and it's the "host_name"
attribute I want  (isnt it??) .... which if I understand the docs is a
member of the "m" collection (is that the right name under Python??)

My question is how do I actually extract that (preferably as a one liner
without a pile of other output, such that I can pull it into a perl script
and use it without a lot of additional processing)

My first attempt was

[root@apollo /home/mailman]# echo "m.host_name" | python -i
/home/mailman/bin/withlist test2
Loading list: test2 (unlocked)
>>> 'apollo.host-ops.com'
[root@apollo /home/mailman]#

But there's all that other crap that I'd prefer not to get, so that I dont
have to parse it out....

Anyone got any ideas??