[Mailman-Developers] Slight oddity on ubsubscription

Barry A. Warsaw barry@wooz.org
Wed, 8 Nov 2000 21:29:32 -0500 (EST)

>>>>> "NM" == Nigel Metheringham <Nigel.Metheringham@VData.co.uk> writes:

    NM> Here's a message I got from one of my subscribers - makes a
    NM> reasonable point [I have edited the address in there to
    NM> prevent it being exposed].

    | So, I see that an old form of my address is subscribed to the
    | announce list.  I look for a way to change the address, don't
    | see it, so unsubscribe.

    | The last four words there are a link; following that brings me
    | to a page stating:

    | exim-announce: No such member 'removed@to.protect.guilty'.

    | Perhaps someone who's unsubscribed shouldn't be prompted to
    | continue editting?

I agree, this is bogus.  I've filed a bug report on it, but probably
will not fix it for 2.0.
