[Mailman-Developers] CVS: mailman/Mailman ListAdmin.py,1.33,1.34

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@python.org
Wed, 31 May 2000 06:50:59 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "F" == Fil  <fil@orwell.bok.net> writes:

    F> It works great! Two cents=


    F> * in order to still have a responsive server, you need qrunner
    F> to be activated every minute or every other minute, not just
    F> every half hour like it is now (usually).

As you later noticed it runs every 10 minutes.  I agree that it makes
sense to run it more often.  In fact, I think it should be running
continuously but that's probably overkill for now.  So let's try
making it default to once per minute for now.

    F> * nothing is logged into /logs/* when a message is
    F> approved. Very stressfull for the mailman-master trying to
    F> watch if it works. S/he has to think to look at qfiles/ to see
    F> if the message was correctly processed.

Good point.

>>>>> "NM" == Nigel Metheringham <Nigel.Metheringham@VData.co.uk> writes:

    NM> Could you check that its happy if there are overlapping queue
    NM> runner jobs.

qrunner should be safe; it first attempts to acquire a global lock but
times out after 0.5 seconds.  So if some other qrunner is running,
it'll just log and exit.

    NM> Also what happens if the MTA has been shut down?  Things like
    NM> this can be a real pain to deal with if you have to reboot a
    NM> server and a last gasp cron job throws away mail because it
    NM> fired up after the mta had stopped but before cron has been
    NM> shut down... or various other scenarios.

If the MTA is shut down, SMTPDirect.py should notice this and raise
the exception that forces a re-queue of the message.  Unless your MTA
is down for 3 days, the message should be properly retried.  One thing
I realized: if MTA delivery fails and the message is dequeue, we need
to potentially perform other modules in the message pipeline.
