[Mailman-Developers] New LockFile.py

Ron Jarrell jarrell@vt.edu
Mon, 01 May 2000 16:03:07 -0400

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At 02:49 PM 5/1/00 -0400, bwarsaw@python.org wrote:
>     RJ> 2) Setting mtime in the future will probably piss off fsck;
>     RJ> which in environments with multiple systadmins, or the mailman
>     RJ> person isn't a sysadmin, could be horribly confusing.
>Hmm, hadn't though of that.  Hopefully, I've made the termination
>cases sufficiently robust so that those lock files won't hang around
>long enough to get fsck'd.

Unless the machine crashed, which is why you're fscking the file
system :-).

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"

<font size=3>At 02:49 PM 5/1/00 -0400, bwarsaw@python.org wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite cite>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; RJ&gt; 2) Setting mtime in
the future will probably piss off fsck;<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; RJ&gt; which in environments with multiple systadmins,
or the mailman<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; RJ&gt; person isn't a sysadmin, could be horribly
Hmm, hadn't though of that.&nbsp; Hopefully, I've made the
cases sufficiently robust so that those lock files won't hang 
long enough to get fsck'd.</blockquote><br>
Unless the machine crashed, which is why you're fscking the file<br>
system :-).<br>
