[Mailman-Developers] lock lifetime

Thomas Wouters thomas@xs4all.net
Sat, 25 Mar 2000 00:27:01 +0100

On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 02:06:12PM -0500, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:

>     RK> "...  In any case, you can easily try it out; in
>     RK> Mailman/MailList.py, on or around line 282, there should be a
>     RK> 'lifetime = 60', inside the constructor for the maillists'
>     RK> lockfile. Changing the '60' in, say, '600', should give you
>     RK> better mileage, at least until your machine gets so heavily
>     RK> loaded that a simple admin request takes ten full minutes to
>     RK> process ;) "

> One other gotcha, if you use bin/withlist to open a locked list and
> then exit the interpreter without doing an explicit m.Unlock(), you're
> list will be locked out for the duration.

Not only if you use that tool, but if you use any tool or script that
doesn't clean up after itself ;) Granted, using bin/withlist it's a lot
easier, but I think a note on upsides/downsides in either the FAQ or next to
the timeout setting would be appropriate. 'set too low, a slow machine might
give timeout erors, but set too high, a faulty script can prevent the list
from being used for that long.'

(But then, i'm all for longer explanations in the FAQ and the online help, i
just haven't got the time to write them, yet ;) While i'm on that subject,
by the way, what are other peoples' thoughts on this issue ? Should there be
more helpfiles and/or online help ? :)

Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net>

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