[Mailman-Developers] dont request passwords from web subscriber patch

Fil fil@bok.net
Fri, 7 Jan 2000 14:58:16 +0100 (MET)


could the maintainers tell me if this patch is accepted or rejected ? It's
important to make it easy to subscribe ; and the patch does not diminish 
in anything the behavior of mailman or the possibilities of users, as the
latter can choose to modify the random password created for them. Other
important effect : it avoids that naive users give away their "real" (ie
personal email's) password into our subscribers's databases.


Patch name    : dont request passwords from web subscriber
Patch by      : <fil@bok.net>  7 Jan 2000
File modified : Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py
Reason        : do not request a password from the subscriber. It is
                cumbersome and not really usefull. Instead, create a
                random password (for compatibility with the current
                system accept the password given if one is given).

diff subscribe.py subscribe.py-dist
<       pw  = Utils.MakeRandomPassword()
<       pwc = pw
>       error = 1
>             results = (results
>                    + "You must supply a valid password, and confirm
>                    it.<br>")