[Mailman-Developers] LockFile.py

Thomas Wouters thomas@xs4all.net
Sat, 22 Apr 2000 12:24:10 +0200

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

A couple of months ago I posted about a few bugs in the Mailman locking
mechanism, most notably that it was using the link() lock method the wrong
way 'round ;) but also some symtomps of this problem: failed locks, broken
locks, very long pauses between locks and unlocks, and a generally high load
on the machine while multiple mailmans were trying to get the lock. I could
trigger this behaviour by sending 10+ messages at the same time to the same

I wrote a slightly better version, and Harald came up and showed me his ;)
Harald's LockFile.py (from his CVS tree) had the link() call the right way
'round, but had some other strange quirks that I disagreed with. So I kept
my version around, and rewrote it some more, using ideas from Haralds'
version, to make it more robust. The result is attached ;)

The 'textbook' example of NFS-compatible locking uses the link() call to
create a (hard) link between the lockfile and a private file (private to the
locking process) and determines wether or not the lock succeeded by
stat()ing the private file and checking that the number of links to the file
is 2. It's done this way because a lot of operations are not atomic, on NFS
filesystems, but the link()/stat() method is (or is supposed to be.)

The current mailman implementation is reversed, somehow. It makes a link
from the lockfile to a private file, and checks the number of links to the
lockfile. If the number of links is not 2, it assumes the lock failed, and
tries to read the contents. If the contents are invalid, or timed out (and
the pid hasn't changed since last time it was checked) the lock gets broken.
If a lock succeeds, the locker writes it's pid, it's private lockfile and
the release time into the file.

The problem is that if many mailmans are locking at the same time, the time
between the link() call, the stat() call and the unlink() call, can easily
be enough for several other processes to execute the link(), thus ending
with a lot of links. Worse, all locking processes use the exact same
sleep_interval, so this condition is likely to continue. Also, there is
enough delay between locking the file and filling it with data, for another
process to discover the file is empty, and remove it. Lastly, the cycle of
lock & test is fairly intensive, and the sleep time not high enough to give
other processes the chance to relinquish the lock.

Though I describe it in nasty terms, it isn't readily apparent in normal
situations :-) I have to stress the list quite a bit to detect these issues,
but the machine I run mailman on can be pretty loaded, and i did see these
effects in the occasional burst of natural traffic.

Harald's LockFile, from his CVS tree, is a lot better -- the locking works
fine, but there are other issues that are not that pretty: refresh() is
tricky, can lose the lock in fact. The same goes for steal(). And the
__try_steal() method is especially nasty: it rename()s its private lockfile
to the lockfile, overwriting any lockfile there, waits for 3*sleep_interval,
and checks to see if anyone else overwrote the lock.

My LockFile jumps through some hoops to do some things as safely as
possible, and it still fails a bit in some places, but it looks a lot safer
than the other two lockfiles. It's also a bit more load-friendly, in that it
only examines the lockfile every 10th (or thereabouts) iteration. This
should be more than enough for normal purposes, and it allows the lock-loop
to be as light as possible, allowing more time for the actual locking
process (if any) to finish its work and unlock ;) And the time the lock()
process sleeps is slightly randomized, to prevent perfectly in-stride
behaviour. (+/- .32 seconds)

I kept the old 'contents of lockfile' trick in place, eventhough I'm not
sure if it's really that useful: the whole problem with locking over NFS is
that you *can't* rely on the contents of a file. So I'm not convinced the
current behaviour (remove the lock if the contents is invalid) is the
correct one. I see how the contents are convenient, especially the timeout
time, but I'm thinking that when a file is empty or invalid, the timeout
should be taken as the MTIME of the file + the default locktime. This should
catch most stale files right away, and prevent a lot of race conditions in
locking/refreshing/stealing/breaking locks. I haven't implemented that yet,

Attached is LockFile.py. I'm using it in production currently, and it seems
to work fine. I dont have code that actually uses steal(), but i tested it
by hand, and it seems to work ok too. There is only one issue with steal:
should it return NotLockedError some such when stealing fails, or return 0,
or keep on trying ?

Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net>

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! copy me into your .signature file to help me spread!

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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="LockFile.py"

# Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

"""Portable (?) file locking with timeouts.  

This code should work reliably with all versions of NFS.  Based on the
original LockFile.py, of which the algorithm was supposedly suggested by the
GNU/Linux open() man page, and Harald Meland's LockFile.py, of which the
algorithm was based on Exim's locking style. The algorithm used here is
originally taken from qmail.

Make sure no malicious people have access to link() to the lock file. """

import socket, os, time
import string
import errno
from stat import ST_NLINK, ST_INO

# default intervals are both specified in seconds, and can be floating point
# values.  DEFAULT_HUNG_TIMEOUT specifies the default length of time that a
# lock is expecting to hold the lock -- this can be set in the constructor,
# or changed via a mutator.  DEFAULT_SLEEP_INTERVAL is the average amount of
# time to sleep before checking the lock's status, if we were not the
# winning claimant the previous time around. The sleep interval is modified
# based on the process-id to prevent unwanted stride effects.

from Mailman.Logging.StampedLogger import StampedLogger
_logfile = None

# exceptions which can be raised
class LockError(Exception):
    """Base class for all exceptions in this module."""

class AlreadyLockedError(LockError):
    """Raised when a lock is attempted on an already locked object."""

class NotLockedError(LockError):
    """Raised when an unlock is attempted on an objec that isn't locked."""

class TimeOutError(LockError):
    """Raised when a lock was attempted, but did not succeed in the given
    amount of time.

class StaleLockFileError(LockError):
    """Raised when a stale hardlink lock file was found."""

class LockFile:
    """A portable way to lock resources by way of the file system."""
    def __init__(self, lockfile,
        """Creates a lock file using the specified file.

        lifetime is the maximum length of time expected to keep this lock.
        This value is written into the lock file so that other claimants on
        the lock know when it is safe to steal the lock, should the lock
        holder be wedged.

        sleep_interval is how often to wake up and check the lock file

        self.__lockfile = lockfile
        self.__lifetime = lifetime
        self.__sleep_interval = sleep_interval + (os.getpid()%32 - 16) / 100.
        self.__tmpfname = "%s.%s.%d" % (lockfile,
        self.__withlogging = withlogging
	self.__logprefix = os.path.split(self.__lockfile)[1]
	self.__writelog("sleep_interval = %f"%self.__sleep_interval)
    def set_lifetime(self, lifetime):
        """Reset the lifetime of the lock.
        Takes affect the next time the file is locked.
        self.__lifetime = lifetime

    def __writelog(self, msg):
        global _logfile
        if self.__withlogging:
            if not _logfile:
                _logfile = StampedLogger('locks', manual_reprime=0)
            _logfile.write('%s %s\n' % (self.__logprefix, msg))

    def refresh(self, newlifetime=None):
        """Refresh the lock.

        This writes a new release time into the lock file.  Use this if a
        process suddenly realizes it needs more time to do its work.  With
        optional newlifetime, this resets the lock lifetime value too.

        NotLockedError is raised if we don't already own the lock.
        if not self.locked():
            raise NotLockedError
        if newlifetime is not None:

    def __refresh(self):
	"""Internal function to refresh the lock. Does not check for lock.
	Only call while holding the lock!"""
        tmpfname = self.__tmpfname + ".tmp"
        tmplock = self.__lockfile + ".tmp"
	if os.path.exists(tmplock):
        os.link(tmpfname, tmplock)
        os.rename(tmplock, self.__lockfile)
        os.rename(tmpfname, self.__tmpfname)
        self.__writelog('lock lifetime refreshed for %d seconds' %

    def __del__(self):
        if self.locked():

    def __write(self, filename = None):
        # we expect to release our lock some time in the future.  we want to
        # give other claimants some clue as to when we think we're going to be
        # done with it, so they don't try to steal it out from underneath us
        # unless we've actually been wedged.
        lockrelease = time.time() + self.__lifetime
        # make sure it's group writable
        oldmask = os.umask(002)
        if not filename:
            filename = self.__tmpfname
            fp = open(filename, 'w')
            fp.write('%d %s %f\n' % (os.getpid(),

    def __read(self):
        # can raise ValueError in two situations:
        # either first element wasn't an integer (a valid pid), or we didn't
        # get a sequence of the right size from the string.split.  Either way,
        # the data in the file is bogus, but this is caught and handled higher
        # up.
        # NOTE: Reads the real lockfile now, not the symlink.

            fp = open(self.__lockfile, 'r')
            pid, winner, lockrelease = string.split(string.strip(fp.read()))
        except IOError, err:
            if err.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                raise ValueError
            # IOerror, but not 'ENOENT'. 'permission denied' ?
        return int(pid), winner, float(lockrelease)

    def __break(self):
        # We apparently have had enough of it, we wish to break the lock.
	    winner = None
		pid, winner, lockrelease = self.__read()
	    except ValueError:
            if winner:
        except OSError, err:
            if err.errno <> errno.ENOENT:

    # Note that no one new can grab the lock once we've opened our tmpfile
    # until we close it, even if we don't have the lock.  So checking the PID
    # and stealing the lock are guaranteed to be atomic.
    def lock(self, timeout=0):
        """Blocks until the lock can be obtained.

        Raises a TimeOutError exception if a positive timeout value is given
        and that time elapses before the lock is obtained.

        This can possibly steal the lock from some other claimant, if the lock 
        lifetime that was written to the file has been exceeded.  Note that
        for this to work across machines, the clocks must be sufficiently


        if self.locked():
            self.__writelog('already locked')
            raise AlreadyLockedError
        if timeout:
            timeout_time = time.time() + timeout
        last_pid = -1
        # loopcount is used to determine wether we should check the lockfile,
        # after a lock fails. We start with -1, so the lockfile gets checked
        # the first time through the loop.
        loopcount = -1
        self.__write() # Make sure my lockfile exists, and time is up to date
        while 1:
            loopcount = loopcount + 1

            # create the hard link and test for exactly 2 links to the file
                os.link(self.__tmpfname, self.__lockfile)
            except OSError, err:
                if err.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                    # Our own lockfile vanished ?!
                    # Re-create it, and try again. Sleep anyway, so we dont
                    # unintendedly hog the machine.
		    self.__writelog("own lockfile missing.")
                elif err.errno == errno.EEXIST:
                    # We failed to get the lock.
                    # We want to test the contents of the lock, see if it's
                    # bogus or timed out, but we dont want to do that each
                    # time through.
                    if loopcount%10:
			self.__writelog("lock failed; skipping checks.")
                    raise OSError, err

            if os.stat(self.__tmpfname)[ST_NLINK] == 2:
                # we have the lock (since there are no other links to the lock
                # file), so we can rehydrate our marker
                self.__writelog("got the lock")
                if not self.locked():
                    self.__writelog("false positive on lock")
            # we didn't get the lock this time.  let's see if we timed out
            if timeout and timeout_time < time.time():
                self.__writelog('timed out')
                raise TimeOutError
            # someone else must have gotten the lock.  let's find out who it
            # is. if there is some bogosity in the lock file's data then we
            # will break the lock.
                pid, winner, lockrelease = self.__read()
            except ValueError:
                self.__writelog("breaking lock (fawlty lockfile)")
            # here's where we potentially break the lock.  If the lock has
            # timed out (the time written in by the original locker has come
            # and gone) then we let __break() deal with it.
            if lockrelease < time.time():
                self.__writelog("breaking lock (too old)")
            # okay, someone else has the lock, we didn't steal it, and our
            # claim hasn't timed out yet.  So let's wait a while for the owner
            # of the lock to give it up. 
            self.__writelog('waiting for claim')

    def __sleep(self):

    # This could error if the lock is stolen.  You must catch it.
    def unlock(self):
        """Unlock the lock.

        If we don't already own the lock (either because of unbalanced unlock
        calls, or because the lock was stolen out from under us), raise a
        if not self.locked():
            raise NotLockedError
	except OSError, err:
	    if err.errno <> errno.ENOENT:

    def locked(self):
        """Returns 1 if we own the lock, 0 if we do not."""
        if not os.path.exists(self.__tmpfname):
            return 0
        if not os.path.exists(self.__lockfile):
            return 0
        if os.stat(self.__tmpfname)[ST_NLINK] < 2:
            return 0
        # The above check for ST_NLINK ought to be enough for everyone.
        # Regardless, we're very paranoid; we check the lockfile data.
        # If you are optimising for speed, you can 'return 1' here
            pid, winner, lockrelease = self.__read()
        except ValueError:
            # Something strange is going on. Either our own lockfile is corrupt
            # or someone link()ed to our lockfile, making us believe we have
            # the lock.
            if os.stat(self.__tmpfname)[ST_INO] <> os.stat(self.__lockfile)[ST_INO]:
                # We do not really have the lock. unlink so we get a new inode
                self.__writelog("linkcount was 2, but we dont have the lock!")
                return 0
                # It really is our lock, but the contents are corrupted.
                self.__writelog("linkcount was 2, but our lockfile data was odd!")
                return 1
        if pid <> os.getpid():
            self.__writelog("lock seemed ok, but data wasn't our data.")
            return 0
        return 1

    # use with caution!!!
    def steal(self):
        """Explicitly break the lock.  USE WITH CAUTION!"""
        self.__writelog("stealing the lock...")

	# We assume someone else sucessfully has the lock, so we try and
	# steal it from them. There is a race-condition involved here:
	# multiple processes can be attempting to steal the lock. Hence the
	# sleep and check if we are actually locked.
	# XXX Should NotLockedError be raised instead of returning 0 ?
            pid, winner, timeout = self.__read()
        except ValueError:
            winner = None
        if winner and os.path.exists(winner):
            # Someone has the lock. We steal their private lockfile, both
            # to clean up after us, and to steal the lock as smoothlessly as
            # possible. Only another process attempting a steal() or break() 
            # could interfere, which is why we sleep after stealing.
            os.rename(winner, self.__tmpfname)
	    # The file seemed unlocked, so we bluntly lock it. Not really
	    # proper, as we do not check if someone else had just grabbed the
	    # lock.
            os.link(self.__tmpfname, self.__lockfile + ".tmp")
            os.rename(self.__lockfile + ".tmp", self.__lockfile)
        if self.locked():
            self.__writelog("succesfully stolen!")
            return 1
            self.__writelog("failed to steal the lock.")
            return 0
