[Mailman-Developers] idea

Ricardo Kustner ricardo@rixhq.nu
Sat, 15 Apr 2000 13:09:22 +0200


I was just thinking what could be a usefull feature in
admindb.py for approved posts : 
When a post is held for approval, convert the email-address
of the poster to a hyperlink to the options page for that
user ("/mailman/options/listname/email--at--host.com")
so if you see a message with "please remove me from this list"
or "why haven't i been getting any more mail lately?" you can
just click on the address and immediately edit the options
for that user...

ps: i'm still voting for having the message headers seperated
from the body on the approval page... i keep having to put back
my own hacks after upgrading to a new beta ;)

