[Mailman-Developers] Change to acceptable_aliases

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us
Fri, 14 Apr 2000 13:20:05 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "HM" == Harald Meland <Harald.Meland@usit.uio.no> writes:

    HM> So, I still say:

    HM>  1) If the regexp does not contain an '@', first try matching
    HM> it against the localpart (i.e. the way things work now).

    HM>  2) If 1) was skipped *or* if it didn't produce a match, try
    HM> matching against entire recip address (i.e. try this even if
    HM> the regexp does not contain any '@' signs).

    HM> Or am I misunderstanding something?

No, I think I misunderstood your original proposal.  Sorry about that.

+1 on Harald's approach, with a provision to remove #1 in some future


P.S. The "+1" is taken from Apache's voting mechanism, as described by
Greg Stein on the Python-Dev list:


Briefly explained:

+1  "I'm all for it. Do it!"
+0  "Seems cool and acceptable, but I can also live without it"
-0  "Not sure this is the best thing to do, but I'm not against it."
-1  "Veto. And <HERE> is my reasoning."

It's actually worked quite nicely on Python-Dev, so I propose we adopt
it here too.