[Mailman-Developers] no passord on subscription page ... and others

Fil fil@bok.net
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 12:17:12 +0100 (MET)

Hi mailman developers,

it seems to me that to request a password from the subscribing page is
confusing, overkill, and useless... when you can generate the password on
the fly for the user. So the patch would be in Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py

    if not form.has_key("pw") or not form.has_key("pw-conf"):
#################################### patch  fil@bok.net 27/11/1999
        pw  = Utils.MakeRandomPassword()
        pwc = pw
#        error = 1
#        results = (results
#             + "You must supply a valid password, and confirm it.<br>")

and one would have to modify the standard HTML template too. But maybe
this could be toggled from the list-admin page ?

Secondly: is it possible that the mail-command analyzer catches messages
sent to the list-on@server and list-off@server addresses and processes
them as subscribe/unsubscribe commands ?  This would emulate the LetterRip
behaviour (www.fogcity.com), which is quite nice in this respect.

Thirdly: I'd like people to be unsubscribed w/o their password. Some users
tend to be annoying when then want to leave.

Fourthly: I'm trying to see how to add a user-name field in the
subscribers database... seems alot of work. Is this a planned feature ?

Well, that's all for now; keep on the good work!