[Mailman-Developers] Face lift for User Interface

Christopher Petrilli petrilli@amber.org
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 23:29:00 -0400

On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 04:59:33PM -0400, Dan Delaney wrote:
> Hi all.
>    Being a graphic designer I'm particularly interested in the "look and
> feel" of the interface for Mailman. The current interface is pretty good,
> certainly better than most I've used. But it could use some improvement.
> With that in mind, I've made a mockup page for the General Options page.
> For those who are interested, and especially those who actually work on
> the HTML for the interface, please take a look at
> www.Dionysia.org/temp/mailman/ and see what you think.

I would make only one major recommendations... drop all the style
information out of the tags, and put it in a style sheet.  Most of the
stuff you're doing, especially colors would be better that way.  Then
you could actually ship 3-4 style sheets with different colors on them
to people :-)  Also, it reduces the amount of code in the page A LOT.

| Christopher Petrilli                      ``Television is bubble-gum for
| petrilli@amber.org                          the mind.''-Frank Lloyd Wright