[Mailman-Developers] shipstopper bug

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us (Barry A. Warsaw)
Sat, 9 Jan 1999 14:24:41 -0500 (EST)

>>>>> "GS" == Greg Stein <gstein@lyra.org> writes:

    GS> What happens is that somebody types in a request to the
    GS> Mailman subscription page with a *local* mail address (i.e. no
    GS> domain name). The confirmation email then gets sent. This
    GS> bounces back to Mailman, but it doesn't understand that it is
    GS> a bounce and tries to process the dumb thing. That fails
    GS> massively (as seen in the attached mail), and responds to
    GS> mailer-daemon with the error. More on this in a bit.

    GS> 3) should probably disallow domain-less addresses in all
    GS> places


It should now (with 1.0b7+) be impossible to subscribe a domainless
email address.  I've verified this with the Membership Management
interface, a normal user's use of the subscribe page, attempting to
subscribe via email directly, and using bin/add_members.

If this means that from now on, no one will encounter the problem, I'm
tempted not to investigate further.

My question to the developers is, how important do you think it is to
fix this problem for the early adopters?  You guys can `just' delete
the unqualified addresses and force those people to re-subscribe using
a now valid address.  Would this be a huge burden?

Of course, if anybody's seen this happen for qualified addresses, then 
obviously we need to debug it.
