[Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Usability patch: (Details) Buttons for 1.0

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us (Barry A. Warsaw)
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 23:36:51 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "BR" == Bernhard Reiter <bernhard@uwm.edu> writes:

    BR> I can understand that the developers are busy.  Generally,
    BR> Jitterbug Reports are recognised sooner or later.

Guilty as charged.  Understand that Mailman hacking on my part is
almost entirely voluntary (I won't speak for the other developers).

Yes I'm motivated because python.org runs nothing but Mailman (and
many lists at that), but I only get to hack on stuff in chunks.  This
means that for me, the really deep issues get buried for a while until
I can free up enough time to read and understand what's going on.  But
I always cruise through, and try to clear, the Jitterbug database when
I'm thinking about doing a release.

The next `deep' issue on my plate is internationalization, and I can
see that that will consume most of my free Mailman hacking time for a

    BR> It might be a nice idea to create a contrib directory for side
    BR> hacks for Mailman. People could exchange all sort of patches
    BR> and enchancements there.

This is a good idea.  How should we do it?  Can somebody donate some
ftp space (and more importantly the responsibility to keep it up to

And remember, if you're interested in becoming a core developer, let
us know.  I know we could use knowledgeable and motivated
