[Mailman-Developers] news to mail gatewaying problem...

Ron Jarrell jarrell@vt.edu
Wed, 11 Aug 1999 18:25:48 -0400

At 06:50 PM 8/11/99 -0400, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:

> >>>>> "RAJ" == Ronald A Jarrell <jarrell@babylon5.cc.vt.edu> writes:
>     RAJ> Apparently python's nntplib hasn't been updated in a LONG
>     RAJ> time
>Ronald.  I must admit to knowing next to nothing about the details of
>NNTP or INN.  Would you be able to generate a patch for nntplib.py?
>If so, we can do two things: install the patch in the standard Python
>distribution, and include the patched module in Mailman/pythonlib so
>that Mailman installations using older Python's will work correctly.

Unfortunately I'm just getting my feet wet in python.

However, that said, this one line patch has worked for me so far.  The library
test now correctly accesses groups off the server..  This patch should also
be sufficient for mailman's needs.  It's not a 100% complete patch.  An older 
news server that doesn't know to grab and ignore the mode reader might
return an error, thus screwup up the stashed greeting line; doing the code
for that logic is beyond me.  But it's better than it was!

 >                 self.welcome = self.shortcmd('mode reader')