[Mailman-Developers] Outgoin queue II.

Dan Ohnesorg, admin of POWER Dan@feld.cvut.cz
Mon, 28 Sep 1998 21:24:55 +0200

My last code was not good. It worked fine in testlist with 2 
persons, but when I setuped this in list with 500 members, it hated 
problems. First prosessing was slower than before, so there are 
more queue conflicts and there are also problems with 
synchronization of locks, where I have marged, that two 
processes had delivered the some message.

I will try to find better solution.


DD   DD                Dan Ohnesorg, supervisor on POWER     
DD  OOOO               Dan@feld.cvut.cz
DD OODDOO              Dep. of Power Engineering
DDDDDD OO              CTU FEL Prague, Bohemia
   OO  OO              work: +420 2 24352785;+420 2 24972109
    OOOO               home: +420 311 679679;+420 311 679311
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