[Mailman-Developers] CGI thoughts

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@CNRI.Reston.Va.US (Barry A. Warsaw)
Fri, 5 Jun 1998 14:46:55 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "JV" == John Viega <viega@list.org> writes:

    JV> I was just thinking that it's a little much to require people
    JV> to go in and change their httpd configuration files.
    JV> Something we could do for the next release would be to provide
    JV> a single C binary, and tell people, "Put this in your system
    JV> cgi-bin directory".  Then mailman URLS would become:

    JV> http://www.blah.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo

    JV> I think while the URL may get a little bigger, it has the
    JV> advantage of being a lot less error-prone to install.

Actually, Ken and I have talked about trying to *shorten* the URL, but 
we haven't come up with anything that'll work.  It's a pain-tradeoff:
how much pain do you put the installer through so that the larger
number of users go through less pain (less typing) to get to the
relevent pages?

One thing you *could* do is install the `listinfo' and other wrapper
binaries into cgi-bin, but call them mm_listinfo.  I'm not crazy about 
that idea, and I don't think the mods to httpd conf files are all that 
daunting right now.  I could be wrong though.
