[Mailman-Developers] The bulk issue

Paulo Eduardo Neves neves@inf.puc-rio.br
Mon, 21 Dec 1998 20:27:08 -0300

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
> >>>>> "HM" == Harald Meland <Harald.Meland@usit.uio.no> writes:
>     HM> I have no idea where, or even if, "Precedence: list" is
>     HM> standardized in any way, but I think that thath is what
>     HM> majordomo is inserting.  Being compatible with majordomo when
>     HM> it doesn't cost us anything is also, IMHO, a good thing.
> As far as I can tell, it is not documented anywhere; not even in the
> update to RFC 2076.  I'll see if I can search around in Majordomo to
> see what they do, but if anybody else can verify this, it would be
> helpful.

I've signed Listserv support list for sometime and this was a frequent
question. The Precedence: list header isn't in any standard. If I
remember well you will find info just in sendmail docs. It was invented
by Eric Allman, who is the author of Sendmail mail and of the vacation
program. Listserv refuses to add it since it isn't  in the standards. 

>     HM> The only reason I see for _not_ adding any Precedence: header,
>     HM> is that Mailman-delivered messages have half a truckload of
>     HM> headers as it is.  But that, IMHO, isn't really a strong
>     HM> argument -- as long as all the headers are there for some good
>     HM> reason, they _should_ be in there.
> Yeah, and the IETF draft adds 9 more headers ;-(

I agree that there's no problem adding it, since it avoids problems to
the list.

Paulo Eduardo Neves
PUC-Rio de Janeiro 
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