[Mailman-developers] forwarded message from Andrew Kuchling

John Viega jtv2j@cs.virginia.edu
Mon, 27 Apr 1998 10:54:14 -0400 (EDT)

> Ken Manheimer <klm@python.org> writes:
> > It looks like there may be a problem, or at least some sendmail
> > (8.8.8) sensitivities, in the way that mailman is mime-encoding the
> > digests.
> I have also received reports of 8.8.8 dumping core (probably) due to
> MIME digests.

Well, I will report this bug to the sendmail developer today.  Can
anyone give me more specifics, such as affected operating systems?

> Some other mailers complain about the number of attachments. Over 20
> seems to be too much for them.

That's sad.  It is unfortunate that few mailers deal with MIME digests
decently.  When I added the feature to mailman, I was wondering why no
other package supported MIME digests. I very quickly learned that it
is probably because so few mailers support them well if at all.  I got
so many complaints about the MIME digests that were the mailer's
fault, that it became really clear to me that MIME digests need to be
off by default until other mail software improves.  I think Ken
changed the default in the release, but if I haven't said so before, I
strongly believe it should be changed back.
