[Mailman-developers] small bug with roster (and patch)

Scott scott@chronis.icgroup.com
Sun, 19 Apr 1998 19:08:02 -0400

It seems like cgi/roster was treating lists whose roster subscribers
are viewable by members of the list as only viewable by the admin.  

looks like an indentation error.

here's a patch:
*** roster	Sun Apr 19 19:04:17 1998
--- roster.dist	Sun Apr 19 19:05:24 1998
*** 56,66 ****
                                bad = ("%s subscriber authentication failed."
                                       % list.real_name)
!                     else:
!                           # Anonymous list - admin-only visible
!                           # - and we already tried admin password, above.
!                           bad = ("%s admin authentication failed."
!                                  % list.real_name)
      if bad:
          doc = error_page_doc(bad)
--- 56,66 ----
                                bad = ("%s subscriber authentication failed."
                                       % list.real_name)
!                         else:
!                               # Anonymous list - admin-only visible
!                               # - and we already tried admin password, above.
!                               bad = ("%s admin authentication failed."
!                                      % list.real_name)
      if bad:
          doc = error_page_doc(bad)
