[Mailman-Announce] Mailman 3.0 alpha 4

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sun Nov 29 21:01:49 CET 2009

I'm happy to announce the release of Mailman 3.0 alpha 4.

Things are getting quite real now.  It's pretty easy to hook Mailman  
up to Postfix for both incoming and outgoing mail[1] and you can  
create mailing lists and populate them with addresses.  Currently, you  
must do this through the command line though.

Please download the latest tarball or grab the bzr branch, and put it  
through some paces.  Now is a good time to comment on the design and  
feature set for Mailman 3 as we are still in alpha. I'm still planning  
on releasing a first beta by the end of the year -- your testing,  
feedback, input, and contributions can help with that!

You can download the tarball either from the Cheeseshop, or Launchpad:


Please note: Mailman 3.0a4 is not production ready yet.


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