[Madison] Python to accept terms and condition form a website

Nicola Branzoli nbranzol at ssc.wisc.edu
Tue May 3 20:04:39 CEST 2011

Hey, I am writing a code in python to access public data online
The task is relatively easy but the code does
not get to the page I want 
because I need to accept the terms and
condition of the website first 
(by a standard 'Click the Accept'). 
need to tell python how to automatically accept the terms and 
and proceed to the web address specified. I am new in 
pyhton, my guess
is that I have to use mechanize because cookielib is 
not good for this
job. Am I right? What other resources can I use? Any 
link with an
example similar to my problem would be great...  

Thanks a lot! 


Nicola Branzoli
Ph.D. Candidate - University of Wisconsin
William H. Sewell Social Science Building
1180 Observatory
Madison, WI 53706-1393
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