[KolPy] [X-Post] Diversity

Vanitha Shanmugam vani.pree at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 15:58:04 CET 2014


This is regarding diversity group organized by PSSI.

I have been actively volunteering for PyCon India from past 3 years and I
see the female python developers participation getting reduced year by
year. This was one of the concern PSSI had discussed during the AGM.

PSSI has come up with the initiative, diversity, where we all female
developers can share and discuss to see how we can improve the active
participation from female developers. If we have any concerns/expectations,
PSSI can help us the way they can.

We have the mailing list (
http://lists.pssi.org.in/mailman/listinfo/diversity) created. This mailing
list only for female pythonistas and the archives are not public so the
discussions are kept private.

I would request all female developers to join in the mailing list and share
your thoughts.
Please spread the word.

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