[KolPy] Any upcoming events?

BibhasD me at bibhas.in
Wed Sep 11 10:41:30 CEST 2013


This weekend seems to be a bit blocked for me. So skipping it. We'll 
meetup on 21st or 22nd for WebCamp. Preferably at Ecospace. I'm talking 
to a friend who runs the venue we used for last two webcamps. Once he 
gives a green light we can go ahead. If not, we'll just do it in my 
place on VIP Road or Kaustav's place at Garia. NSEC might not be an 
option on Sundays(confirm it NSEC people).

In the meantime, if you guys want to meetup on weekdays, I'm always 
home. Let me know.

Also, I'm always up for chat at #kolpy and #nixal on freenode.

On Tuesday 10 September 2013 08:44:55 PM IST, Kaustav Das Modak wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 September 2013 12:08 PM, Bibhas wrote:
>> Saturday morning works?
> This Saturday? 14th Sep? What time? Can you make it around 12pm? I'll
> not be at home on Friday night. Also, are we talking about my place at
> South City Garden as the venue or some other place?
> Best.

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