[Jython-checkins] jython: Remove actual clone operation from build.xml and refactor.

jeff.allen jython-checkins at python.org
Sun Aug 25 04:33:35 EDT 2019

changeset:   8280:517cd4d0c1c3
user:        Jeff Allen <ja.py at farowl.co.uk>
date:        Sat Aug 24 18:05:42 2019 +0100
  Remove actual clone operation from build.xml and refactor.

This removal simplifies the structure of the build (no work.dir). The
consequent risk of releasing from a polluted baseline is mitgated by
the target force-snapshot-if-polluted. It is now easier to build an
installer intended as a snapshot release.

Parts of build.xml have been heavily restructured in order to sequence
the logic behind this idea, probably improving them. Resource type
filelist/file replaces fileset/path for specifying JARs.

Some rough edges remain but it's already a lot for one change set.

  README.txt |   23 +-
  build.xml  |  741 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
  2 files changed, 430 insertions(+), 334 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -2,27 +2,26 @@
 Welcome to Jython @jython.version at .
 This is @readme.release@ release of the @jython.version.short@ version of Jython.
 Along with language and runtime compatibility with CPython 2.7, Jython 2.7
-provides substantial support of the Python ecosystem. This includes
-built-in support of pip/setuptools (you can use with bin/pip) and a
-native launcher for Windows (bin/jython.exe).
+provides substantial support of the Python ecosystem. This includes built-in
+support of pip/setuptools (you can use with bin/pip) and a native launcher
+for Windows (bin/jython.exe).
-Jim Baker presented a talk at PyCon 2015 about Jython 2.7, including
-demos of new features: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLm3garVQFo
+Jim Baker presented a talk at PyCon 2015 about Jython 2.7, including demos
+of new features: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLm3garVQFo
 This release was compiled on @os.name@ using @java.vendor@ Java
 version @java.version@ and requires a minimum of Java @jdk.target.version@ to run.
-You can test your installation of Jython (not the standalone jar) by running the
-regression tests, with the command:
+You can test your installation of Jython (not the standalone jar) by
+running the regression tests, with the command:
 jython -m test.regrtest -e
-The regression tests can take about forty minutes. At the time of writing, these
-tests are known to fail:
+The regression tests can take about forty minutes. At the time of writing,
+these tests are known to fail:
@@ -35,5 +34,5 @@
 including bugs fixed, backwards breaking changes, and new features.
 The developers extend their thanks to all who contributed to this release
-of Jython, through bug reports, patches, pull requests, documentation changes,
-email and conversation in any media.
+of Jython, through bug reports, patches, pull requests, documentation
+changes, email and conversation in any media.
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -1,36 +1,50 @@
-<!-- Copyright 2000 Dj Walker-Morgan -->
+    Original Copyright 2000 Dj Walker-Morgan
+    Further development (c)2019 Jython Developers
+    Licensed to the PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
 <project name="jython" default="developer-build" basedir=".">
-    <target name="usage" description="print usage hints (-emacs removes [echo] prefix)">
+    <target name="usage" depends="common-version-strings"
+            description="print usage hints (-emacs removes [echo] prefix)">
-Use case 1: developer build (in your local Jython copy)
+Case 1: developer build
 Use the command:
     ant developer-build
-Or just:
+or just:
-This build will create directories /build and /dist below basedir.
+as it is the default target. This build will create directories
+/build and /dist below ${basedir}.
+Jython will identify its version with a trailing "+".
-Use case 2: build an installer for the current version
+Case 2: build an installer for the development version
-Choose a name for the snapshot (here SNAPSHOT). Use the command:
-  ant -Dsnapshot.name=SNAPSHOT installer
+Use the command:
+  ant installer
+An installer built this way does not include javadoc or source
+JARs unless you build them first. It will be versioned as a
+snapshot, e.g. ${jython.release}-SNAPSHOT. You can choose another name
+for the snapshot, via a property:
+  ant -Dsnapshot.name=MYTEST installer
-Use case 3: full build for a release (using hg checkout)
-  - make sure you have access to the Jython mercurial repository
-    (http://hg.python.org/jython)
-  - override ant.properties to define necessary properties
-  - Use the command:
-    ant full-build'
+Case 3: full build for a release (use clean, tagged checkout)
+You do not have to have access to the Jython mercurial
+repository, but you do need to be at the root of a checked-out
+(i.e. newly cloned) source tree. The release aretefacts will be
+marked as a snapshot (not an official release) if any of the
+following apply:
+- there is no .hg directory (this is not a repo),
+- the source tree contains any extraneous files,
+- files have been edited and not committed,
+- the current state is not tagged with correct release,
+- you supply the snapshot.name property.
-This will create a working directory named full_build at the same
-level as your working directory. It will contain a big JAR called
+This will create a big jython-installer-${jython.release}.jar,
+in the artefacts directory.
-This will build the release artefacts as if the current version
-development state wer a viable release. If you want a real version
-from history, check out the corresponding tag. These instructions may
-be different for that tag.
+See also https://jython-devguide.rtfd.io/en/latest/release_jy.html
 Note on targets
@@ -39,48 +53,40 @@
 attribute.  Use ant -p to display these targets.  All other targets
 may behave unpredictably if called directly.
 Where ant looks for ant.properties
   1. in user.home
   2. in the same directory as this build.xml file
 The first setting of a property wins. Further settings are ignored.
-Actions for a release
-See http://wiki.python.org/jython/JythonDeveloperGuide/HowToReleaseJython
 An example ant.properties file:
 # - zxJDBC
+oracle.jar = ../support/ojdbc6.jar
+informix.jar = ../support/jdbc-4.10.12.jar
 # - option for javac (build.compiler=modern is a global option to use standard jdk 1.7/1.8)
     <target name="jarless" depends="compile, pycompile"/>
-    <target name="developer-build" depends="prepare-output, pycompile"
+    <target name="developer-build"
+            depends="init, jar, copy-javalib, copy-bin, copy-lib, copy-dev, pycompile"
             description="a local build for developers" />
+    <target name="installer"
+            depends="installer-preinit, init, jar-installer"
+            description="build a snapshot installer from the current state" />
     <target name="full-build"
-            depends="full-check, installer"
-            description="a full build with hg checkout" />
-    <target name="needed-check" unless="full-build">
-        <uptodate property="antlr.notneeded" targetfile="${gensrc.dir}/org/python/antlr/PythonParser.java">
-            <srcfiles dir="grammar" includes="*.g" />
-        </uptodate>
-    </target>
+            depends="full-preinit, full-check, init, all-jars, jar-installer"
+            description="build releasable artefacts. (Use a fresh checkout for a real release)" />
     <target name="common-config" depends="common-constants">
         <!-- Initialisations common to full and developer builds. -->
@@ -101,8 +107,6 @@
     <target name="common-constants">
-        <!-- Our repository. -->
-        <property name="hg.jython.repo" value="https://hg.python.org/jython" />
         <!-- Constants for relese levels (defined by Python)  -->
         <property name="PY_RELEASE_LEVEL_ALPHA" value="10"/> <!-- 0xA -->
         <property name="PY_RELEASE_LEVEL_BETA" value="11"/> <!-- 0xB -->
@@ -136,37 +140,9 @@
             value="${jython.version.short}${jython.release.str}${jython.release.num}" />
-    <target name="init" depends="common-version-strings">
-        <!-- If we haven't set it yet (see full-preinit), the suffix: -->
-        <condition property="snapshot.suffix" value="-${snapshot.name}" else="+">
-            <isset property="snapshot.name"/>
-        </condition>
-        <!-- We can now compose the version as seen in sys.version and the installer -->
-        <property name="jython.version" value="${jython.release}${snapshot.suffix}" />
-        <!-- Build-time OS detection -->
-        <condition property="os.family.unix">
-            <os family="unix"/>
-        </condition>
-        <condition property="os.family.windows">
-            <os family="windows"/>
-        </condition>
-        <!-- Options we use when compiling -->
-        <property name="build.compiler" value="modern" />
-        <property name="jdk.target.version" value="${jython.java.version}" />
-        <property name="jdk.source.version" value="${jython.java.version}" />
-        <property name="deprecation" value="true" />
-        <property name="debug" value="true" />
-        <property name="nowarn" value="true" />
-        <property name="javac.Xlint" value="-Xlint -Xlint:-serial -Xlint:-unchecked -Xlint:-cast"/>
-        <!-- properties work.dir and jython.base.dir are also defined in full-preinit -->
-        <property name="work.dir" value="${basedir}" />
-        <property name="jython.base.dir" value="${work.dir}" />
+    <target name="common-dirs">
+        <!-- There are 3 points of reference. The first is the base of the checked-out code: -->
+        <property name="jython.base.dir" value="${basedir}" />
         <property name="source.dir" value="${jython.base.dir}/src" />
         <property name="test.source.dir" value="${jython.base.dir}/tests/java" />
         <property name="test.shell.dir" value="${jython.base.dir}/tests/shell" />
@@ -175,59 +151,25 @@
         <property name="bugtests.dir" value="${jython.base.dir}/bugtests" />
         <property name="templates.lazy" value="true" />
         <property name="extlibs.dir" value="${jython.base.dir}/extlibs" />
-        <property name="output.dir" value="${work.dir}/build" />
+        <!-- The output of code-generation and compilation (all intermediary files). -->
+        <property name="output.dir" value="${jython.base.dir}/build" />
         <property name="compile.dir" value="${output.dir}/classes" />
         <property name="exposed.dir" value="${output.dir}/exposed" />
         <property name="gensrc.dir" value="${output.dir}/gensrc" />
-        <property name="dist.dir" value="${work.dir}/dist" />
+        <!-- The place where we assemble the installation (for test, or to build the installer). -->
+        <property name="dist.dir" value="${jython.base.dir}/dist" />
         <property name="apidoc.dir" value="${dist.dir}/Doc/javadoc" />
+        <!--Strangely, test results are in the installation. -->
         <property name="junit.reports" value="${dist.dir}/testreports" />
         <property name="junit.htmlreports" value="${dist.dir}/test-html-reports" />
-        <!-- classpaths -->
-        <path id="main.classpath">
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/servlet-api-2.5.jar" />
-            <pathelement path="${informix.jar}" />
-            <pathelement path="${oracle.jar}" />
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/mysql-connector-java-5.1.42-bin.jar" />
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/postgresql-42.1.1.jre7.jar" />
-            <!-- pin to Antlr 3 until we upgrade parsing -->
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/antlr-complete-3.5.2.jar" />
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/commons-compress-1.18.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/asm-7.0.jar" />
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/asm-commons-7.0.jar" />
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/asm-util-7.0.jar" />
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/failureaccess-1.0.1.jar" />
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/guava-28.0-android.jar" />
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/icu4j-59_1.jar" />
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/jffi-1.2.19.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/java-sizeof-0.0.5.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/jnr-ffi-2.1.10.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/jnr-netdb-1.1.6.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/jnr-posix-3.0.50.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/jnr-constants-0.9.12.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/jline-2.14.5.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/netty-buffer-4.1.24.Final.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/netty-codec-4.1.24.Final.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/netty-common-4.1.24.Final.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/netty-handler-4.1.24.Final.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/netty-resolver-4.1.24.Final.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/netty-transport-4.1.24.Final.jar"/>
-        </path>
+        <property name="installer.src.dir" value="${jython.base.dir}/installer/src/java" />
+    </target>
-        <available property="informix.present" classname="com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver" classpath="${informix.jar}" />
-        <available property="oracle.present" classname="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" classpath="${oracle.jar}" />
-        <path id="test.classpath">
-            <path refid="main.classpath"/>
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/asm-commons-7.0.jar" />
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/asm-util-7.0.jar" />
-            <pathelement path="${extlibs.dir}/junit-4.10.jar" />
-            <pathelement path="${exposed.dir}" />
-            <pathelement path="${compile.dir}" />
-            <pathelement path="${cpptasks.jar.dir}" />
-        </path>
+    <target name="common-jars" depends="common-dirs">
         <!-- Names of JARs we (may) produce according to target. -->
         <!-- Target: jar. Just the Jython code: needs main.classpath to work. For dev & test. -->
@@ -244,56 +186,157 @@
         <!-- Target: all-jars creates these and all the above JARs.  -->
         <property name="jython.javadoc.jar" value="javadoc.jar" />
         <property name="jython.sources.jar" value="sources.jar" />
-    <target name="full-preinit">
-        <property file="${user.home}/ant.properties" />
-        <property file="${basedir}/ant.properties" />
-        <property name="cpptasks.jar.dir" value="${basedir}/extlibs/cpptasks/cpptasks.jar" />
+    <target name="common-paths" depends="common-dirs">
-        <!-- use this property to distinguish a full-build from a developer-build -->
-        <property name="full-build" value="true" />
-        <!-- A full build that is not a snapshot build has no suffix -->
-        <condition property="jarfile.suffix" value="-${snapshot.name}" else="">
-            <isset property="snapshot.name" />
+        <!-- ${informix.jar}, if defined, denotes a non-free JAR to be added to the class path. -->
+        <condition property="informix.present" else="false">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="informix.jar"/>
+                <available classname="com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver"
+                           classpath="${informix.jar}" />
+            </and>
-        <!-- If no snapshot name is set, this is intended to be a proper build for publication: -->
-        <condition property="snapshot.suffix" value="-${snapshot.name}" else="">
-            <isset property="snapshot.name"/>
+        <!-- ${oracle.jar}, if defined, denotes a non-free JAR to be added to the class path. -->
+        <condition property="oracle.present" else="false">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="oracle.jar"/>
+                <available classname="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
+                           classpath="${oracle.jar}" />
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <!-- classpaths -->
+        <local name="informix.location"/>
+        <condition property="informix.location" value="${informix.jar}" else="">
+            <istrue value="${informix.present}"/>
+        </condition>
+        <local name="oracle.location"/>
+        <condition property="oracle.location" value="${oracle.jar}" else="">
+            <istrue value="${oracle.present}"/>
+        <path id="main.classpath">
+            <!-- The non-free database driver JARs, if not present. -->
+            <filelist files="${informix.location} ${oracle.location}" />
-        <!-- predefined main directory for checkout -->
-        <property name="hg.code.dir" value="jython" />
-        <!-- predefined revision for checkout (this works for both trunk and release branches) -->
+            <!-- Further database and Java EE-related JARs -->
+            <filelist dir="${extlibs.dir}">
+                <file name="servlet-api-2.5.jar" />
+                <file name="mysql-connector-java-5.1.42-bin.jar" />
+                <file name="postgresql-42.1.1.jre7.jar" />
+            </filelist>
-        <!-- properties work.dir and jython.base.dir are also definied in init,
-             so full-preinit must run first to work -->
-        <property name="work.dir" value="${basedir}/../full_build/work" />
-        <property name="checkout.dir" value="${work.dir}/checkout" />
-        <property name="jython.base.dir" value="${checkout.dir}/${hg.code.dir}" />
+            <!-- Other JARs (alphabetical) -->
+            <filelist dir="${extlibs.dir}">
+                <file name="antlr-complete-3.5.2.jar" /> <!-- ANTLR 3 until we upgrade parsing -->
+                <file name="asm-7.0.jar" />
+                <file name="asm-commons-7.0.jar" />
+                <file name="asm-util-7.0.jar" />
+                <file name="commons-compress-1.18.jar"/>
+                <file name="failureaccess-1.0.1.jar" />
+                <file name="guava-28.0-android.jar" />
+                <file name="icu4j-59_1.jar" />
+                <file name="jffi-1.2.19.jar"/>
+                <file name="java-sizeof-0.0.5.jar"/>
+                <file name="jnr-ffi-2.1.10.jar"/>
+                <file name="jnr-netdb-1.1.6.jar"/>
+                <file name="jnr-posix-3.0.50.jar"/>
+                <file name="jnr-constants-0.9.12.jar"/>
+                <file name="jline-2.14.5.jar"/>
+                <file name="netty-buffer-4.1.24.Final.jar"/>
+                <file name="netty-codec-4.1.24.Final.jar"/>
+                <file name="netty-common-4.1.24.Final.jar"/>
+                <file name="netty-handler-4.1.24.Final.jar"/>
+                <file name="netty-resolver-4.1.24.Final.jar"/>
+                <file name="netty-transport-4.1.24.Final.jar"/>
+            </filelist>
+        </path>
-        <!-- set has.repositories.connection to false in ant.properties if you want to skip checkout -->
-        <property name="has.repositories.connection" value="true" />
-        <condition property="do.checkout" value="true">
-            <istrue value="${has.repositories.connection}" />
+        <path id="test.classpath">
+            <path refid="main.classpath"/>
+            <filelist dir="${extlibs.dir}">
+                <file name="asm-commons-7.0.jar" />
+                <file name="asm-util-7.0.jar" />
+                <file name="junit-4.10.jar" />
+            </filelist>
+            <pathelement location="${exposed.dir}" />
+            <pathelement location="${compile.dir}" />
+            <pathelement location="${cpptasks.jar.dir}" />
+        </path>
+    </target>
+    <target name="init"
+        depends="developer-preinit, common-jars, common-paths, common-version-strings">
+        <!-- We can now compose the version as seen in sys.version and the installer -->
+        <property name="jython.version" value="${jython.release}${snapshot.suffix}" />
+        <!-- Build-time OS detection -->
+        <condition property="os.family.unix">
+            <os family="unix"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="os.family.windows">
+            <os family="windows"/>
+        <!-- Options we use when compiling (if not beaten to it: see *-preinit) -->
+        <property name="build.compiler" value="modern" />
+        <property name="jdk.target.version" value="${jython.java.version}" />
+        <property name="jdk.source.version" value="${jython.java.version}" />
+        <property name="deprecation" value="true" />
+        <property name="debug" value="true" />
+        <property name="nowarn" value="true" />
+        <property name="javac.Xlint" value="-Xlint -Xlint:-serial -Xlint:-unchecked -Xlint:-cast"/>
+        <!-- Options we use when building JARs (if not beaten to it: see *-preinit) -->
+        <property name="jar.update" value="true" />
-    <target name="full-check" depends="full-preinit, init, dump-env"
-            description="dump the properties computed for the full build without running it" >
+    <target name="developer-preinit">
+        <!-- This is invoked by init as its first dependency, which in turn is the first
+             dependency of many auxiliary targets. When the official "installer" or "full-build"
+             target is called, its specific installer-preinit or full-preinit will usually
+             have set the properties dealt with here. When, in the course of development, we
+             invoke various "unofficial" targets directly, this target acts as "developer-preinit".
+        -->
+        <!-- The suffix is "-" and the snapshot name, otherwise this is a developer build. -->
+        <condition property="snapshot.suffix" value="-${snapshot.name}" else="+">
+            <isset property="snapshot.name"/>
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target name="installer-preinit" depends="common-config">
+        <property name="snapshot.name" value="SNAPSHOT"/>
+        <property name="full-build" value="true" />
+        <property name="jar.update" value="true" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="full-preinit" depends="common-config">
+        <!-- What is this? Why here in the full build only? -->
+        <property name="cpptasks.jar.dir" value="${basedir}/extlibs/cpptasks/cpptasks.jar" />
+        <!-- We define this property to distinguish a full-build from a developer-build -->
+        <property name="full-build" value="true" />
+        <property name="jar.update" value="false" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="full-check" depends="full-preinit, force-snapshot-if-polluted, init, full-dump"
+            description="check the viability of a full build without running it" >
         <!-- Require all of the optional jars for a full build -->
-        <fail unless="informix.present" message="informix jar not present" />
-        <fail unless="oracle.present" message="oracle jar not present" />
+        <fail unless="${informix.present}" message="informix jar not present" />
+        <fail unless="${oracle.present}" message="oracle jar not present" />
+        <!-- Require all hg for a full build -->
+        <fail unless="${hg.present}" message="A Mercurial repository is required" />
     <target name="dump-env" depends="init, dump"
-            description="dump the properties computed for the build" />
+            description="dump the properties computed for a regular build without running it" />
     <target name="dump" >
@@ -305,164 +348,174 @@
         <echo>jython.version            = '${jython.version}'</echo>
         <echo>snapshot.name             = '${snapshot.name}'</echo>
         <echo>snapshot.suffix           = '${snapshot.suffix}'</echo>
-        <echo>jython.dev.jar     = '${jython.dev.jar}'</echo>
-        <echo>jython.deploy.jar  = '${jython.deploy.jar}'</echo>
-        <echo>jython.standalone.jar = '${jython.standalone.jar}'</echo>
-        <echo>jython.javadoc.jar = '${jython.javadoc.jar}'</echo>
-        <echo>jython.sources.jar = '${jython.sources.jar}'</echo>
+        <echo>jython.dev.jar            = '${jython.dev.jar}'</echo>
+        <echo>jython.deploy.jar         = '${jython.deploy.jar}'</echo>
+        <echo>jython.standalone.jar     = '${jython.standalone.jar}'</echo>
+        <echo>jython.javadoc.jar        = '${jython.javadoc.jar}'</echo>
+        <echo>jython.sources.jar        = '${jython.sources.jar}'</echo>
+        <echo>jar.update                = '${jar.update}'</echo>
         <echo>--- optional libraries ---</echo>
-        <echo>oracle location    = '${oracle.jar}'</echo>
-        <echo>informix location  = '${informix.jar}'</echo>
-        <echo>oracle             = '${oracle.present}'</echo>
-        <echo>informix           = '${informix.present}'</echo>
+        <echo>informix                  = '${informix.jar}'</echo>
+        <echo>informix.present          = '${informix.present}'</echo>
+        <echo>oracle                    = '${oracle.jar}'</echo>
+        <echo>oracle.present            = '${oracle.present}'</echo>
         <echo>--- properties ---</echo>
-        <echo>work.dir           = '${work.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>jython.base.dir    = '${jython.base.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>source.dir         = '${source.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>output.dir         = '${output.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>compile.dir        = '${compile.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>exposed.dir        = '${exposed.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>gensrc.dir         = '${gensrc.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>dist.dir           = '${dist.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>apidoc.dir         = '${apidoc.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>templates.dir      = '${templates.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>templates.lazy     = '${templates.lazy}'</echo>
-        <echo>python.lib         = '${python.lib}'</echo>
-        <echo>build.compiler     = '${build.compiler}'</echo>
-        <echo>jdk.target.version = '${jdk.target.version}'</echo>
-        <echo>jdk.source.version = '${jdk.source.version}'</echo>
-        <echo>deprecation        = '${deprecation}'</echo>
-        <echo>debug              = '${debug}'</echo>
-        <echo>nowarn             = '${nowarn}'</echo>
-        <echo>test               = '${test}'</echo>
-        <echo>test.source.dir    = '${test.source.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>--- properties only used for a full-build ---</echo>
-        <echo>checkout.dir       = '${checkout.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>javahl.dir         = '${javahl.dir}'</echo>
-        <echo>do.snapshot.build  = '${do.snapshot.build}'</echo>
-        <echo>snapshot.revision  = '${snapshot.revision}'</echo>
-        <echo>do.checkout        = '${do.checkout}'</echo>
+        <echo>jython.base.dir           = '${jython.base.dir}'</echo>
+        <echo>source.dir                = '${source.dir}'</echo>
+        <echo>output.dir                = '${output.dir}'</echo>
+        <echo>compile.dir               = '${compile.dir}'</echo>
+        <echo>exposed.dir               = '${exposed.dir}'</echo>
+        <echo>gensrc.dir                = '${gensrc.dir}'</echo>
+        <echo>dist.dir                  = '${dist.dir}'</echo>
+        <echo>apidoc.dir                = '${apidoc.dir}'</echo>
+        <echo>templates.dir             = '${templates.dir}'</echo>
+        <echo>templates.lazy            = '${templates.lazy}'</echo>
+        <echo>python.lib                = '${python.lib}'</echo>
+        <echo>--- compiler options ---</echo>
+        <echo>build.compiler            = '${build.compiler}'</echo>
+        <echo>jdk.target.version        = '${jdk.target.version}'</echo>
+        <echo>jdk.source.version        = '${jdk.source.version}'</echo>
+        <echo>deprecation               = '${deprecation}'</echo>
+        <echo>debug                     = '${debug}'</echo>
+        <echo>nowarn                    = '${nowarn}'</echo>
+        <echo>main.classpath            = '${ant.refid:main.classpath}'</echo>
+        <echo>--- test config ---</echo>
+        <echo>test                      = '${test}'</echo>
+        <echo>test.source.dir           = '${test.source.dir}'</echo>
+        <!-- <echo>test.classpath            = '${ant.refid:test.classpath}'</echo> -->
-    <!-- delete what's necessary. should correspond to the directories created in prepare  -->
-    <!-- if called directly, we use settings as in developer-build -->
-    <!-- (at the moment all properties will already be set if we do a full build) -->
-    <target name="clean" depends="init, clean-checkout-dir"
-        description="clean up build working directories">
-        <!-- do not hard delete ${work.dir}, since it could be ${basedir} -->
-        <!-- deletes all files and subdirectories of ${output.dir}, without ${output.dir} itself. -->
+    <target name="full-dump" depends="dump">
+        <echo>--- properties only used for a full-build ---</echo>
+        <echo>hg.present                = '${hg.present}'</echo>
+        <echo>build.hg.is_unmodified    = '${build.hg.is_unmodified}'</echo>
+        <echo>build.hg.is_clean         = '${build.hg.is_clean}'</echo>
+        <echo>build.hg.is_tagged        = '${build.hg.is_tagged}'</echo>
+        <echo>build.hg.branch           = '${build.hg.branch}'</echo>
+        <echo>build.hg.tag              = '${build.hg.tag}'</echo>
+        <echo>build.hg.version          = '${build.hg.version}'</echo>
+    </target>
+    <!-- Delete all intermediate build products. Directories correspond to those bases defined in
+         common-dirs and built upon by the various targets as they are executed.  -->
+    <target name="clean" depends="common-dirs"
+        description="Delete contents of working directories">
         <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${output.dir}" includes="**/*" />
-        </delete>
-        <!-- deletes all files and subdirectories of ${dist.dir}, without ${dist.dir} itself. -->
-        <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${dist.dir}" includes="**/*" />
-        </delete>
-        <!-- delete the installation .jar file from ${work.dir}, but no other files -->
-        <delete failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${work.dir}" includes="jython*.jar" />
+            <!-- all files and subdirectories of ${output.dir}, without ${output.dir} itself. -->
+            <fileset dir="${output.dir}" includes="**/*" defaultexcludes="false" />
+            <!-- all files and subdirectories of ${dist.dir}, without ${dist.dir} itself. -->
+            <fileset dir="${dist.dir}" includes="**/*" defaultexcludes="false" />
-    <target name="devclean" depends="init"
-        description="clean up build working directories without deleting antlr files, cachedir, or Lib">
+    <target name="devclean" depends="common-dirs"
+        description="Delete contents of working directories preserving antlr, cachedir, and Lib">
         <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${output.dir}" includes="**/*" excludes="gensrc/**"/>
-        </delete>
-        <!-- deletes all files and subdirectories of ${dist.dir}, without ${dist.dir} itself. -->
-        <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${dist.dir}" includes="**/*" excludes="cachedir/**,Lib/**"/>
-        </delete>
-        <!-- delete the installation .jar file from ${work.dir}, but no other files -->
-        <delete failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${work.dir}" includes="jython*.jar" />
+            <!-- all files and subdirectories of ${output.dir}, without ${output.dir} itself. -->
+            <fileset dir="${output.dir}" includes="**/*" excludes="gensrc/**" />
+            <!-- all files and subdirectories of ${dist.dir}, without ${dist.dir} itself. -->
+            <fileset dir="${dist.dir}" includes="**/*" excludes="cachedir/**, Lib/**" />
-    <!-- clean checkout.dir if we really checkout -->
-    <target name="clean-checkout-dir" if="do.checkout">
-        <delete includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${checkout.dir}" includes="**/*" defaultexcludes="no" />
-        </delete>
-    </target>
-    <target name="clean-if-antlr-needed" unless="antlr.notneeded">
-        <!-- this seems to be the only way I could get a clean when there has been a
-             change to grammar files.  If you are working on the grammars you might
-             want to comment this out, as a clean is really only needed if you change
-             the tokens defined in Python.g (and cleans make the build slow) -->
-        <antcall target="clean"/>
+    <target name="force-snapshot-if-polluted" depends="hg-is-unmodified, hg-is-clean, hg-is-tagged">
+        <!-- Ensure that a snapshot name is provided, if the workspace is not a pure checkout.
+             This only works before init is called, since it will set a value. -->
+        <condition property="snapshot.name" value="SNAPSHOT">
+            <not><and>
+                <isset property="build.hg.is_unmodified"/>
+                <isset property="build.hg.is_clean"/>
+                <isset property="build.hg.is_tagged"/>
+            </and></not>
+        </condition>
+        <!-- Now set the suffix as well, before init gets to try. (Our else is different.) -->
+        <condition property="snapshot.suffix" value="-${snapshot.name}" else="">
+            <isset property="snapshot.name"/>
+        </condition>
-    <!-- create output directories -->
-    <target name ="prepare-output" depends="init, needed-check, clean-if-antlr-needed">
-        <mkdir dir="${compile.dir}" />
-        <mkdir dir="${gensrc.dir}/org/python/antlr" />
-        <mkdir dir="${exposed.dir}" />
-        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
-    </target>
+    <target name="hg-diagnosis" depends="common-version-strings, hg-metadata">
+        <!-- Diagnose when the checked-out source is polluted, using hg commands. Such pollution
+             does not prevent a full build running, but it forces it to be a snapshot build. -->
-    <!-- create necessary directories -->
-    <target name="prepare" depends="prepare-full, prepare-checkout, prepare-output"/>
+        <!-- Check there have been no modifications to controlled files. -->
+        <condition property="build.hg.is_unmodified">
+            <and>
+                <istrue value="${hg.present}" />
+                <not><contains string="${build.hg.version}" substring="+" /></not>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
-    <!-- create directories needed only in full-build -->
-    <target name="prepare-full" depends="clean" if="full-build">
-        <mkdir dir="${work.dir}" />
-        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/Doc" />
-        <mkdir dir="${apidoc.dir}" />
-    </target>
+        <!-- Check there are no extra files (except as per .hgignore) to catch in the build. -->
+        <condition property="build.hg.is_clean">
+            <and>
+                <istrue value="${hg.present}" />
+                <length string="${build.hg.status}" trim="true" length="0" />
+            </and>
+        </condition>
-    <!-- create checkout directory if necessary -->
-    <target name="prepare-checkout" if="do.checkout">
-        <mkdir dir="${checkout.dir}" />
+        <!-- Check we are at a tag matching the release claimed in the configuration. -->
+        <condition property="build.hg.is_tagged">
+            <and>
+                <istrue value="${hg.present}" />
+                <equals arg1="${build.hg.tag}" arg2="v${jython.release}" />
+            </and>
+        </condition>
-    <target name="checkout" depends="prepare" if="do.checkout">
-        <exec executable="hg">
-            <!-- XXX should have a property that is the tag to check out
-            <arg line="clone http://hg.python.org/jython-releasing/2.5.3 -b 2.5 ${checkout.dir}/${hg.code.dir}"/>
-            -->
-            <arg line="clone http://hg.python.org/jython ${checkout.dir}/${hg.code.dir}"/>
+    <target name="hg-metadata" depends="hg-present">
+        <!-- Get the branch, version (meaning identity) and tag of the change set. -->
+        <exec executable="hg" outputproperty="build.hg.branch">
+            <arg line="identify -b"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="hg" outputproperty="build.hg.version">
+            <arg line="identify -i"/>
+        <exec executable="hg" outputproperty="build.hg.tag">
+            <arg line="identify -t"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="hg" outputproperty="build.hg.status">
+            <arg line="status" />
+        </exec>
+        <echo>build.hg.branch       = ${build.hg.branch}</echo>
+        <echo>build.hg.version      = ${build.hg.version}</echo>
+        <echo>build.hg.tag          = ${build.hg.tag}</echo>
+        <echo>build.hg.status       = ${build.hg.status}</echo>
-    <target name="check-hg">
-      <available file=".hg" type="dir" property="hg.present"/>
-      <condition property="hg-run">
-        <and>
-          <isset property="hg.present"/>
-          <or>
-              <isset property="os.family.unix"/>
-              <isset property="os.family.windows"/>
-          </or>
-        </and>
-      </condition>
+    <target name="hg-present">
+        <condition property="hg.present" else="false">
+             <available file=".hg" type="dir" />
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target name="hg-is-unmodified" depends="hg-diagnosis" unless="build.hg.is_unmodified">
+        <echo level="warning">
+Version-controlled files have been edited since the last commit - build is a snapshot.
+        </echo>
-    <target name="hg-id" depends="check-hg, hg-branch, hg-tag, hg-version"/>
+    <target name="hg-is-clean" depends="hg-diagnosis"
+        if="build.hg.is_unmodified" unless="build.hg.is_clean">
+        <echo level="warning">
+Workspace contains uncontrolled files - build is a snapshot.
-    <target name="hg-branch" if="hg-run">
-        <exec executable="hg" failifexecutionfails="false" outputproperty="build.hg.branch">
-          <arg line="id -b"/>
-        </exec>
+        </echo>
-    <target name="hg-tag" if="hg-run">
-        <exec executable="hg" failifexecutionfails="false" outputproperty="build.hg.tag">
-          <arg line="id -t"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <target name="hg-version" if="hg-run">
-        <exec executable="hg" failifexecutionfails="false" outputproperty="build.hg.version">
-          <arg line="id -i"/>
-        </exec>
+    <target name="hg-is-tagged" depends="hg-diagnosis"
+        if="build.hg.is_clean" unless="build.hg.is_tagged">
+        <echo level="warning">
+Change set ${build.hg.version} is not tagged v${jython.release} - build is a snapshot.
+        </echo>
     <!-- skip-brand can be set in ant.properties or as a system property to keep from updating the
          version.properties file and making the jar on every developer build. -->
-    <target name="brand-version" depends="init, hg-id" unless="skip-brand">
+    <target name="brand-version" depends="hg-metadata, init" unless="skip-brand">
         <property name="build.hg.branch" value=""/>
         <property name="build.hg.tag" value=""/>
         <property name="build.hg.version" value=""/>
@@ -501,13 +554,16 @@
         <!-- README.txt contains this paragraph if this is a snapshot build. -->
+        <local name="snapshot.banner" />
         <property name="snapshot.banner">
 This is a snapshot build. It reflects the current development status.
-The text for the next official release will continue:
+The text for the next official release will continue ...
+        </property>
         <!-- Change README.txt to replace placeholders with version-specific information. -->
+        <local name="snapshot.warning" />
         <condition property="snapshot.warning" value="${snapshot.banner}" else="">
             <equals arg1="${snapshot.name}" arg2="" />
@@ -523,7 +579,7 @@
-    <target name="template-init" depends="prepare">
+    <target name="template-init" depends="init">
         <javac srcdir="${source.dir}/"
@@ -536,22 +592,37 @@
-    <target name="template" depends="checkout, template-init">
+    <target name="template" depends="template-init">
         <taskdef name="gentempl" classname="org.python.util.TemplateAntTask"
             classpath="${compile.dir}" />
         <gentempl srcdir="${templates.dir}" verbose="true" lazy="${templates.lazy}"/>
-    <target name="antlr_gen" depends="prepare-output" unless="antlr.notneeded">
-        <java classname="org.antlr.Tool" failonerror="false" fork="true" dir="${jython.base.dir}">
+    <target name="antlr-up-to-date" depends="common-paths">
+        <!-- Check freshness of generated parser & lexer files. -->
+        <uptodate property="antlr-up-to-date">
+            <!-- We don't check freshness of all generated files since they're made in a batch. -->
+            <srcfiles dir="${jython.base.dir}/grammar" includes="Python*.g" />
+            <globmapper from="*.g" to="${gensrc.dir}/org/python/antlr/*Parser.java" />
+        </uptodate>
+    </target>
+    <target name="antlr-gen" depends="common-paths, antlr-up-to-date" unless="antlr-up-to-date">
+        <local name="out" />
+        <property name="out" value="${gensrc.dir}/org/python/antlr" />
+        <mkdir dir="${out}" />
+        <java classname="org.antlr.Tool"
+              dir="${jython.base.dir}"
+              failonerror="true"
+              fork="true" >
             <jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
             <jvmarg value="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"/>
             <arg value="-Xconversiontimeout"/>
             <arg value="2000"/>
             <arg value="-fo"/>
-            <arg path="${work.dir}/build/gensrc/org/python/antlr"/>
+            <arg path="${out}"/>
             <arg value="-lib"/>
-            <arg path="${work.dir}/build/gensrc/org/python/antlr"/>
+            <arg path="${out}"/>
             <arg file="${jython.base.dir}/grammar/Python.g"/>
             <arg file="${jython.base.dir}/grammar/PythonPartial.g"/>
             <classpath refid="main.classpath"/>
@@ -567,7 +638,7 @@
-    <target name="compile" depends="init, antlr_gen, brand-version">
+    <target name="compile" depends="init, antlr-gen, brand-version">
         <javac destdir="${compile.dir}"
@@ -580,8 +651,8 @@
             <compilerarg line="${javac.Xlint}"/>
             <src path="${source.dir}"/>
             <src path="${gensrc.dir}"/>
-            <exclude name="**/handler/InformixDataHandler.java" unless="informix.present" />
-            <exclude name="**/handler/OracleDataHandler.java" unless="oracle.present" />
+            <exclude name="**/handler/InformixDataHandler.java" unless="${informix.present}" />
+            <exclude name="**/handler/OracleDataHandler.java" unless="${oracle.present}" />
             <classpath refid="main.classpath" />
@@ -618,7 +689,7 @@
         <!-- grammar must now be up to date -->
-        <property name="antlr.notneeded" value="true" />
+        <property name="antlr-up-to-date" value="true" />
         <copy todir="${compile.dir}/META-INF/services">
             <fileset dir="${source.dir}/META-INF/services" />
@@ -649,14 +720,17 @@
                 <pathelement path="${compile.dir}" />
+        <mkdir dir="${exposed.dir}" />
         <expose srcdir="${compile.dir}"
     <target name="jar-complete" depends="jar, pycompile">
-        <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="extlibs/jarjar-1.4.jar"/>
-        <jarjar destfile="${dist.dir}/${jython.deploy.jar}">
+        <taskdef name="jarjar"
+                 classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask"
+                 classpath="extlibs/jarjar-1.4.jar"/>
+        <jarjar destfile="${dist.dir}/${jython.deploy.jar}"  update="${jar.update}">
             <zipfileset src="${dist.dir}/${jython.dev.jar}"/>
             <!-- pin to Antlr 3 until we upgrade parsing -->
             <zipfileset src="extlibs/antlr-runtime-3.5.2.jar"/>
@@ -728,6 +802,9 @@
                 <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.python.util.jython" />
                 <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}" />
+                <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="Python Software Foundation"/>
+                <attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="Jython fat jar"/>
+                <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${jython.version}"/>
                 <!-- info section. ATTN: no blanks, no '.' in the names -->
                 <section name="Build-Info">
                     <attribute name="version" value="${jython.version}" />
@@ -741,18 +818,20 @@
-    <target name="jar-standalone" depends="jar-complete">
-        <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="extlibs/jarjar-1.4.jar"/>
-        <jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${jython.standalone.jar}">
+    <target name="jar-standalone" depends="jar-complete, copy-lib">
+        <jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${jython.standalone.jar}" update="${jar.update}">
             <zipfileset src="${dist.dir}/${jython.deploy.jar}"/>
             <fileset dir="${dist.dir}" includes="Lib/**" excludes="Lib/test/**" />
                 <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.python.util.jython" />
                 <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}" />
+                <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="Python Software Foundation"/>
+                <attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="Jython fat jar with stdlib"/>
+                <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${jython.version}"/>
                 <!-- info section. ATTN: no blanks, no '.' in the names -->
                 <section name="Build-Info">
                     <attribute name="version" value="${jython.version}" />
-                    <attribute name="hg-build" value="${do.checkout}" />
+                    <attribute name="hg-build" value="${hg.present}" />
                     <attribute name="oracle" value="${oracle.present}" />
                     <attribute name="informix" value="${informix.present}" />
                     <attribute name="build-compiler" value="${build.compiler}" />
@@ -760,20 +839,25 @@
                     <attribute name="debug" value="${debug}" />
+            <!-- FIXME: Because the standalone JAR may be distributed separately from the
+                 installer JAR, it ought really to include necessary licences (ours, Apache, etc.),
+                 at least by reference.
+            -->
-    <target name="jar" depends="compile, expose">
+    <target name="jar" depends="compile, expose"
+            description="build the jython-dev.jar (requiring main classpath and Lib to use).">
        <typedef name="nameunion" classname="org.python.util.NameUnionAntType">
                <path refid="main.classpath" />
                <pathelement path="${compile.dir}" />
-       <jar destfile="${dist.dir}/callbacker_test.jar">
+       <jar destfile="${dist.dir}/callbacker_test.jar" update="${jar.update}">
            <fileset dir="${compile.dir}" includes="org/python/tests/Callbacker*"/>
-       <jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${jython.dev.jar}" duplicate="fail">
+       <jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${jython.dev.jar}" duplicate="fail" update="${jar.update}">
           <!-- If only nameunion is used, ant issues a spurious warning about no files being
                included.  Use a fileset for version.properties just to shut that up. -->
           <fileset dir="${compile.dir}" includes="org/python/version.properties"/>
@@ -785,10 +869,13 @@
               <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.python.util.jython" />
               <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}" />
+              <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="Python Software Foundation"/>
+              <attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="Jython"/>
+              <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${jython.version}"/>
               <!-- info section. ATTN: no blanks, no '.' in the names -->
               <section name="Build-Info">
                   <attribute name="version" value="${jython.version}" />
-                  <attribute name="hg-build" value="${do.checkout}" />
+                  <attribute name="hg-build" value="${hg.present}" />
                   <attribute name="oracle" value="${oracle.present}" />
                   <attribute name="informix" value="${informix.present}" />
                   <attribute name="build-compiler" value="${build.compiler}" />
@@ -805,6 +892,7 @@
             <pathelement path="${compile.dir}" />
             <path refid="main.classpath" />
+        <mkdir dir="${apidoc.dir}" />
         <javadoc sourcepath="${source.dir}"
@@ -821,11 +909,18 @@
-    <target name="all-jars" depends="prepare, jar-standalone, javadoc, installer">
-        <jar destfile="dist/${jython.javadoc.jar}">
+    <target name="all-jars"
+            depends="jar-standalone, jar-javadoc, jar-sources"
+            description="Build all the JARs (except the installer JAR)." />
+    <target name="jar-javadoc" depends="javadoc">
+        <jar destfile="dist/${jython.javadoc.jar}" update="${jar.update}">
             <fileset dir="${apidoc.dir}" includes="**"/>
-        <jar destfile="dist/${jython.sources.jar}">
+    </target>
+    <target name="jar-sources" depends="init">
+        <jar destfile="dist/${jython.sources.jar}" update="${jar.update}">
             <fileset dir="${jython.base.dir}">
                 <exclude name="build/**" />
                 <exclude name="dist/**" />
@@ -841,17 +936,15 @@
             <fileset dir="${jython.base.dir}">
                 <include name="ACKNOWLEDGMENTS" />
                 <include name="build.xml" />
-                <include name="build.Lib.include.properties" />
                 <include name="NEWS" />
                 <include name="LICENSE.txt" />
                 <include name="registry" />
-                <include name="ACKNOWLEDGMENTS" />
     <target name="copy-full"
-            depends="copy-lib, brand-readme, copy-misc-files"
+            depends="copy-bin, copy-lib, brand-readme, copy-misc-files"
         <!-- sources: todir has to correspond with installer/**/JarInstaller.java -->
         <echo>copy sources from ${jython.base.dir}</echo>
@@ -893,6 +986,11 @@
+    <!-- The copy needed to support developer-build differs from the one when making an installer.
+         In this case we must copy all the JARs to javalib and do not copy miscellaneous files.
+         Loke lecences and the README. -->
+    <target name="copy-dev" depends="copy-javalib, copy-bin, copy-lib" />
     <target name="pycompile" depends="jar,copy-lib">
         <taskdef name="jycompile" classname="org.python.util.JycompileAntTask">
             <classpath path="${dist.dir}/Lib"/>
@@ -916,13 +1014,15 @@
-    <target name="copy-lib" depends="init, copy-javalib, copy-cpythonlib">
+    <target name="copy-lib" depends="common-dirs, copy-cpythonlib">
         <copy todir="${dist.dir}/Lib">
             <fileset dir="${jython.base.dir}/Lib">
                 <exclude name="**/*.class"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="copy-bin" depends="common-dirs">
         <!-- copy the shell scripts and make them executable -->
         <copy todir="${dist.dir}/bin">
             <fileset dir="${source.dir}/shell"/>
@@ -947,30 +1047,26 @@
-    <target name="copy-javalib" unless="full-build">
+    <target name="copy-javalib" depends="common-dirs">
+        <!-- If this is *not* a full build (so we're doing dev & test) copy $extlibs/* to
+             $dist.dir/javalib/*, to be available when using jython-dev.jar
+        -->
         <copy todir="${dist.dir}/javalib">
             <fileset dir="${jython.base.dir}/extlibs">
                 <exclude name="profile.properties"/>
-            <fileset dir="${work.dir}/build">
+            <fileset dir="${output.dir}">
                 <include name="*.jar"/>
                 <include name="*.properties"/>
-    <!-- if installer called by itself, make sure all the dependent targets run;
-         otherwise, redundant with full-check -->
-    <target name="installer-init">
-        <property name="full-build" value="true" />
-    </target>
+    <!-- Compile the installer and wrap the build into it. Some contents are required through
+         dependencies named, while others (source, javadoc) depend on the history so far. -->
+    <target name="jar-installer"
+        depends="init, jar, jar-standalone, copy-full" >
-    <!-- wrap the build into the installer -->
-    <target name="installer"
-        depends="installer-init, jar-standalone, javadoc, copy-full"
-        description="Build an installer for the current version of Jython" >
-        <property name="installer.src.dir" value="${jython.base.dir}/installer/src/java" />
         <echo>compiling installer from ${installer.src.dir}</echo>
         <javac srcdir="${installer.src.dir}"
@@ -1003,8 +1099,9 @@
         <echo>building installer .jar file</echo>
-        <jar destfile="${dist.dir}/jython-installer.jar" update="true">
+        <jar destfile="${dist.dir}/jython-installer.jar" update="${jar.update}">
             <fileset dir="${dist.dir}">
+                <exclude name="jython-installer.jar"/>
                 <exclude name="${jython.dev.jar}"/>
                 <exclude name="${jython.standalone.jar}"/>
                 <exclude name="${jython.javadoc.jar}"/>
@@ -1028,7 +1125,7 @@
                 <!-- info section. ATTN: no blanks, no '.' in the names -->
                 <section name="Build-Info">
-                    <attribute name="hg-build" value="${do.checkout}" />
+                    <attribute name="hg-build" value="${hg.present}" />
                     <attribute name="oracle" value="${oracle.present}" />
                     <attribute name="informix" value="${informix.present}" />
                     <attribute name="build-compiler" value="${build.compiler}" />

Repository URL: https://hg.python.org/jython

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