[Ironpython-users] Numpy and Scipy

Jeff Hardy jdhardy at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 11:42:35 EST 2016

On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 4:23 AM, Prevrhal, Sven <Sven.Prevrhal at philips.com>

> It would be a real boon to have these packages working under ipy in both
> 32- and 64-bit. Is someone working on this? I got a copy of old Enthought
> effort to work, but the numpy and scipy versions there are so old and
> therefor buggy and incomplete. What would it take to get them updated?

A lot, I'm afraid. IIRC the intent was to port numpy/scipy to Cython and
then use a C++/CLI backend for Cython to make them available; I have no
idea if that was ever completed or merged to mainline.

numpy/scipy used to be very tightly bound to CPython; there was a
refactoring effort to reduce that so that they could be reused, but I don't
know how far that got. I don't know if anyone at Enthought remembers where
that effort left off, but that might a good place to start.

CPython has a new "stable" C ABI (PEP 384) that may be useful, but it would
still require a fair bit of work to integrate with IronPython. The old
IronClad project might have some useful code there.

- Jeff
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