[Ironpython-users] Ironpython-users Digest, Vol 52, Issue 3

andy andypu at zoho.com
Sun Sep 13 18:00:51 CEST 2015

Thankyou! I appreciate you looking into this.
Since silverlight is deprecated Unity + Ironpython seems to be the only 
possibility to make a multiplatform program that can run on a browser in 
python language.

> I've been meaning to look into Unity for a while but haven't had the
> time (like so many other things...) Supporting should be possible but
> it will probably require a custom build of IronPython with the
> appropriate FEATURE_* flags set in the build.xml file, and the library
> references pointing at the Unity assemblies instead of the .NET ones
> (similar to how Silverlight builds are supported).

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