[Ironpython-users] bytearray comparison failure

Daniel Fernandez fernandez_dan2 at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 18 20:50:33 CEST 2014

Hi All,
I ran into an issue comparing bytearray with a string value. I created an issue 35470 on codeplex. The code snippet that can reproduce the issue isx = bytearray(b'Danny')y = 'Danny'x == y
IronPython 2.7.5b3 this is False and CPython 2.7.8 is True. 
My question is where in the IronPython code does this happen equality operation occur with different types? I tried to follow it and simple got lost in the maze.  I thought it would occur in the StringOps.Equals but that didn't happen. I tried putting break points all over the place but no luck.

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