[Ironpython-users] Compiling a WPF project with XLRD/XLWT functionality into an EXE (issue)

Jason Barner jbarner1 at fau.edu
Thu Jul 11 14:44:37 CEST 2013

Hey guys - been scouring the Google and can't figure out my issue I am
having trying to compile a small WPF project i've put together for my
co-workers as we work on a database/ERP project.

First hurdle was getting IPY to be happy with the location of XLRD and XLWT
(python excel libraries which are awesome) but I managed to get that
working fine.

Everything runs smoothly out of visual studios, but when it came time to
try and make an exe out of it yesterday - I just could not get it to run.

So far i've been using pyc to try and compile it, and followed some
examples I found online (mainly from Dino) but no dice. I am thinking it
has something to do with XLRD and XLWT, as I pulled all the DLL's from IPY
and such into the directory of my project when trying to compile it, but it
simply times out after a while and crashes.

If it is XLRD/XLWT related - what can I try to remedy it? IPY knows the
locations of them and runs everything smoothly - is there some way/do I
need to make a DLL out of those somehow and put them in the same directory
when I try to compile with pyc? If this is the case, a step in the right
direction on how to make DLL's out of those would be much appreciated.


The above is the link that I mentioned which has some good info in it
(atleast to me).

Any sort of help/insight will be highly appreciated, thank you.
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