[Ironpython-users] sitecustomize and compiled ironpython

Peter Schwalm ps at peter-schwalm.de
Wed Jan 9 12:04:52 CET 2013

I have a problem concerning the default encoding in ironpython console 
programs. In german windows editions there is a difference between the 
codepage in gui programs und console programs. Console programs use OEM 

In the ironpython environment there happen implicit conversions between 
byte encoded files and unicode strings inside the program.

If I read textfiles containing german umlauts they are implicitly 
converted using the default encoding, in console programs OEM. If the 
text files are encoded using a different codepage (ANSI, cp1252), then 
conversion errors will happen if the file contains umlauts.

Normally I solve this problem by changing the default encoding in 
sitecustomize.py which is automatically called by site.py during program 
initialization. Now I have detected, that this mechanism will not work 
in ipy-compiled programs. It looks as if sitecustomize.py is not called 
in this environment.

Does anybody have an idea how to achieve an equally general solution for 
this problem? Is there perhaps a sort of stub-.py-file used by 
pyc-compilation where I can place the necessary call to 

My ironpython version 2.7.1.

Thanks in advance
Peter Schwalm

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