[Ironpython-users] Python Tools for Visual Studio 1.5 RC Released

Slide slide.o.mix at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 22:53:54 CEST 2012

On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Dino Viehland <dinov at microsoft.com> wrote:
> We’re pleased to announce the release of Python Tools for Visual Studio 1.5
> RC. Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS) is an open-source plug-in for
> Visual Studio which supports programming with the Python language. PTVS
> supports a broad range of features including CPython/IronPython,
> Edit/Intellisense/Debug/Profile, Cloud, HPC, IPython, etc. support.
> The primary new feature for the 1.5 release is Django including Azure
> support! The http://www.djangoproject.com is a popular Python
> webframework/CMS which is used by many reputable companies and high-traffic
> websites. For Python on Azure support see:
> https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/python.
> In this RC release, the following improvements have been made based on your
> requests & feedback:
> • VS2012 support!
> • A Live Debug REPL - YT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erNx2NLu-t4&hd=1
> • Project load time improvements
> • Kinect 1.5 support
> • New “New Project from Existing Code!”
> • Improved intellisense (iterator, PyQt, …)
> • Python 3.3 language support
> • Azure Python Client Lib improvements for Windows, Linux & MacOS
> There were over 80 fixes/improvements in this release. Unfortunately because
> of Codeplex's Release Notes character limit (sad), we can't list the summary
> of bug fixes, so here's a link to the data:
> http://bit.ly/Ptvs15RcBugs
> We’d like to thank the following people who took the time to report the
> issues and feedback for this release (in reverse chronological order):
> Tmaslach, odwalla, jrade, michiya, timeisparallax, tachiorz, sourbox,
> tramsay, bahrep, lqbest127, hyh, mrpy, boomer_74, BigFreakinGobot,
> AngeloBast, ajp, mahpour, cecilphillip, dhabersat.
> We’d also like to thank Weidong for his wonderful test support during the
> past few months & welcome Hugues aboard the project!
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Great news! Congrats Dino! I may switch to PTVS from PyDev.

Website: http://earl-of-code.com

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