[Ironpython-users] sys.version_info in 2.7.2

Jeff Hardy jdhardy at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 04:45:44 CET 2012

On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Daniel Munch <daniel.munch at curie.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> congratulations for the new IronPython release 2.7.2. I just updated from
> RC1 and unfortunatly it seems like there's some change of behaviour
> concerning sys.version_info. I got some 3rd party scripts which are
> stumbling over the line "sys.version_info < (2, 4): " which happily returns
> 'False' on RC1, but a NotImplemented Exception in 2.7.2. Could anybody
> please verify this? I just signed up to the mailing list just for this
> problem, so I don't now if for bug reports it's better to directly file an
> issue on Codeplex.

First off, bugs are best on codeplex, because we can track them more
easily. However, drawing attention to them on the list isn't a bad

Second, I think I know what caused this. (2,4) > sys.version_info
works just fine. I made a last-minute fix that clearly broke stuff in
a big way (it looks like
is the culprit). I'll check it out and spin an updated release as soon
as I figure it out.

- Jeff

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