[Ironpython-users] Code docs generation for Python-exposed .NET API

Michael Foord michael at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Sep 1 14:08:02 CEST 2011

On 01/09/2011 10:04, Igor Brejc wrote:
> Hi,
> I plan to write a wrapper API in C# that will be used by IronPython 
> scripts. The API will adhere to Python's coding & design style etc.
> My question: what would be the best approach for generating code 
> documentation in HTML that would look & feel like it's for native 
> Python API? Sandcastle seems a bit too .NETish, is there something 
> that would resemble sphinx's generated documentation?

You could use reflection to pull out the types / call signatures from 
the assembly and use that to generate a restructured text skeleton for 
pulling into sphinx.

There's a script here that generates skeleton python files (just 
containing the api) from .net assemblies. This script is used by the 
Wing IDE for providing code completion for .NET, but it should be 
possible to "repurpose" it:


All the best,

Michael Foord
> Thanks for any hints,
> Igor Brejc
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May you do good and not evil
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