[Ironpython-users] [IronPython] Visual studio 2010

Jimmy Schementi jschementi at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 00:14:04 CEST 2011

>>> Finally, when it comes to CI, is there a recognised way of running
>>> Iron Python modules from an MSBuild script?
>> Paul,
>> I have a VS2010 plugin that lets you run IronPython tests in MSTest; I'll put it on GitHub shortly.
> Excellent, thank you! I'll look forward to the link.

OK, I put the tool on GitHub: https://github.com/jschementi/ironpython-mstest/zipball/master

Please help me test out the clean install:

To install:
0. Make sure you have IronPython installed.
1. Run path\to\extracted\zip\Releases\IronPythonTools.Testing.vsix
2. Run path\to\extracted\zip\Releases\install.bat as an Administrator (might see a bunch of warnings ... take a look at them but keep going ...)

To use/test:
1. Open ExampleTestProject\ExampleTestProject.sln in a new instance of Visual Studio
2. Delete test_example.cs (test_example.py's code-behind).
4. Open test_example.py and immediately save it; this should regenerate test_example.cs.
5. Now run that project's unit tests, and you should see them run as any other MSTest.

Let me know if you run into any issues. If not, I'll write some documentation and maybe make a proper installer.


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