[IronPython] how to generate multiple concurrent scriptign engines?

surangika ranathunga lady_radsu at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 19 04:27:30 CEST 2011

Sorry I missed the posts on this thread. This is the code that caused me the problem (I posted this in the first post of the thread)
So according to your mails, I take that this is due to a bug in the ironpython code. Is there a way I can have some alternative work-out, something that I can do through my code? (i'm in kind of a hury to finish the project :S )
ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine();
ScriptRuntime runtime = engine.Runtime;
ScriptScope scope = runtime.CreateScope();
ops = engine.Operations;

ScriptSource source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile("ironpython.py");
string class_param = rule;
object[] parameters = new object[1];
parameters[0] = class_param;
object klass = scope.GetVariable("model_checker");
object instance = ops.Invoke(klass, parameters);
method = ops.GetMember(instance, "check_model");
catch (Exception e)

--- On Thu, 14/4/11, Jeff Hardy <jdhardy at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Jeff Hardy <jdhardy at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [IronPython] how to generate multiple concurrent scriptign engines?
To: "Discussion of IronPython" <users at lists.ironpython.com>
Cc: "surangika ranathunga" <lady_radsu at yahoo.com>
Received: Thursday, 14 April, 2011, 7:35 AM

As long as you have a ScriptScope per thread, you should be able to
share the ScriptEngine & Runtime between threads.

What is the exception that you are getting? If it's a GUI program,
remember that UI elements can only be manipulated from the main

- Jeff

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 1:02 AM, surangika ranathunga
<lady_radsu at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Ironpython to connect to a legacy python code from C#.
> I am not fully familiar with Ironpython, but managed to get it working for a single-threaded application.
> This is how I implemented this:
>                 ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine();
>                 ScriptRuntime runtime = engine.Runtime;
>                 ScriptScope scope = runtime.CreateScope();
>                 ops = engine.Operations;
>                 ScriptSource source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile("ironpython.py");
>                 source.Execute(scope);
>                 string class_param = rule;
>                 object[] parameters = new object[1];
>                 parameters[0] = class_param;
>                 object klass = scope.GetVariable("model_checker");
>                 object instance = ops.Invoke(klass, parameters);
>                 method = ops.GetMember(instance, "check_model");
> Now I want to make my application multi-threaded, and I want to have concurrently running scripting engines. Essentially, these engines should access the same underlying python code, and hence these scripting engines are identical to each other.
> Without any change, the above code works fine for most of the time for a multi-threaded application. However, there is an exception that appears from time to time, and I suspect that it is due to a concurrency issue.
> Is there anything specific that I should do to generate multiple scripting engines running in separate threads without interfering with each other?
> any ideas greatly appreciated
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