[IronPython] Unpacking

Glauco glauco.uri at prometeia.it
Wed Sep 8 14:29:24 CEST 2010

Il 08/09/2010 13:29, Iivari Mokelainen ha scritto:
> I need to unpack a list of
> [name, x, y, name, x, y]
> to a dictionary
> {name : (x,y), name:(x,y)}
> how would one do that?
> Also, is it ok to ask such newbie questions here, or is there a better
> place for that?

is better python ML
anyway if you can do first list like this:
my_list = [(name, (x, y)), (name, (x, y))]

a simple
dict( my_list )

do the work


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