[IronPython] Integration

Iivari Mokelainen iivari at mokelainen.com
Fri Sep 3 08:33:20 CEST 2010

  Thank you!  That asnwered to all of my questions - after loading the 
executing assembly into the python runtime I was able to run "from 
namespace import *" and that did the job.

About the interop: wow that's really good. Never thought DLR team could 
make it that fast.

On 3.9.2010 4:23, Dino Viehland wrote:
> To expose a whole namespace the simplest way is probably to call 
> scriptRuntime.LoadAssembly(some_assembly);  All of the public types 
> will then be available for importing from IronPython.  That means they 
> won't all be available at the top-level.  If that's not ok you could 
> use reflection and call DynamicHelpers.GetPythonTypeFromType(...) and 
> inject all the types you want.
> As for interop the performance should be fine.  When using dynamic 
> from C# the overhead should basically be similar to the overhead of 
> calling a function within Python.  And for Python calling into C# the 
> overhead is the same as any Python code calling into any of the 
> runtime -- in other words pretty darn fast.  For a simple function 
> call to a Python function last I measured I believe it was around 40 
> instructions on x86 to perform the call.
> For example on my laptop this runs in about 1/3 of a second and 
> performs 10 million function calls:
> import time
> def f():
>                 def g(): pass
>                 for i in xrange(10000000):
>                                 g()
> s = time.clock()
> f()
> e = time.clock()
> print e -- s
> So what probably matters a lot more is what the function is doing.
> *From:* users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com 
> [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] *On Behalf Of *Iivari 
> Mokelainen
> *Sent:* Thursday, September 02, 2010 9:29 AM
> *To:* users at lists.ironpython.com
> *Subject:* [IronPython] Integration
> Salut, fellow coders!
> I have an application where i need some live coding to debug and use 
> it. I've been coding in C# for ages now.
> I looked into different languages, and found python. And obviously 
> fell in love.
> Now i have a home-made interactive python console with my application. 
> I implemented suggestions with dir() and so on.
> tldr:
> The problem im facing is that I need to integrate whole application 
> with the console now. I know I can expose types and variables thru 
> scope.SetVariable but what I need is to expose a whole /namespace/ to 
> the scope.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> P.S. How fast is interop between python and C#? Would it be ok to have 
> a python function as dynamic in C# and calling it about 250 times a 
> second?
> Thanks,
>     Iivari Mokelainen
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