[IronPython] IronPy Tools for VS - Bugs

Steve Dower s.j.dower at gmail.com
Wed May 5 05:26:18 CEST 2010

I've been collating some little things into a single email rather than
spamming the list. These are roughly organised in order of annoyance,
and none are show-stoppers by any measure.

When completion auto-commits (Ctrl+Space --> word is completed, no
dropdown) Enter cannot be pressed until another completion is started
and ended.

Characters '(', ')', ',', ':', '.' should commit completions (if there
is a match, otherwise keep whatever was typed).

Completions should not start within strings (single-line strings
aren't recognised as strings until the closing quote is added).

Tooltip for first parameter doesn't always disappear when moving to
the next parameter (ie. typing ',').

Keyword tooltips only parse from the character hovered over to the end
(ie. hover over 'r' in print shows "rint", over 'e' in def shows "ef",
Whitespace immediately before a real number shows tooltip for the integer part.
Tooltip for an equals sign immediately followed by a number shows
'=<ipart(number)>: tuple'
(I raise these mainly in case the underlying parser is at fault and
having effects elsewhere.)

Overlapping spans for tooltips when trigger point is the closing
bracket of a function (the span applies to whole function call -
moving the mouse within this span also triggers tooltips for

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