[IronPython] deepcopy

Pablo Dalmazzo pablodalma93 at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 10 14:56:45 CEST 2010

Hi there,
Im getting this error in the copy module. I moved the copy module from the IronPython 2.6 installation to work withIronPython 2.0 for some compatibility problem I had with IronPython 2.6 dll with another dll we use. 
The only difference I see between the cases which works and those which doesnt are, in the succesful case it is a custom class object "alone", and in the error case is the deepcopy of a custom class object which contains a list with other instances of that object.Could that have anything to do with the problem? Is that a limitation of the copy module in Python or it should work?
error description: 
No se puede encontrar el método 'DBNull..ctor'.

Error de código 

Línea 322:        args = deepcopy(args, memo)
Línea 323:    
Línea 324:    y = callable(*args)
Línea 325:
Línea 326:    memo[id(x)] = y
de origen: /SistemaVentaBaseIP2/App_Script/copy.py     		 	   		  
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