[IronPython] clr.CompileModules fails on some python standard lib modules

Lukas Cenovsky cenovsky at bakalari.cz
Thu Jun 3 00:32:31 CEST 2010

Dino Viehland wrote:
> Lukáš wrote:
>> This is a known issue
>> (http://ironpython.codeplex.com/workitem/26593?ProjectName=ironpython)
>> and as Dino mentioned recently it is already fixed in the main.
>> Which brings a question - when is IronPython 2.6.2 scheduled for release?
> We haven't quite scheduled it yet - we've been waiting to make sure there were
> no other regressions introduced in 2.6.1.  I've seen 1 or 2 other small bugs
> that I think we'd like to fix.  Personally I'm thinking end of June-ish but I'll
> need to talk to the rest of the team about it.

For me, the biggest issue is the compiling. Would be nice to see some 
progress in compiling Silverlight code ;-)

Also the line number issue in tracebacks is quite inconvenient 
I've almost got used to it but it surprise me from time to time anyway.

End of June/ start of July is fine for next release.

-- Lukáš
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