[IronPython] Crippled Intellisense?

Marcin Krol mrkafk at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 15:38:09 CEST 2010

I got an MSDN license which allowed me to install VS 2010 Professional, 
I also installed IronPython tools. However, intellisense doesn't seem to 
fully work, for instance I can access string method's like


but when I do

x = 'abc'

and then


it just underscores it in red.

Most of intellisense autocompletions from IronPython walkthrough don't 
work, e.g.:

def f(abc):
     return abc


Anybody knows what's going on with this? Is this limitation of Pro as 
opposed to Ultimate and whatitsname versions of VS 2010?



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