[IronPython] [ANN] IronPython 2.6 ASP.NET integration

Jimmy Schementi Jimmy.Schementi at microsoft.com
Sun Jan 17 08:30:32 CET 2010

You are welcome! Just so you know, the bugs you and Adam reported on the ASP.NET integration are still open:
25959<http://ironpython.codeplex.com/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=25959>, 25960<http://ironpython.codeplex.com/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=25960>, 25961<http://ironpython.codeplex.com/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=25961>. I haven't had time to really drill into them, though I plan to before PyCon in Feb. Please let me know if there are any other issues you'd like to see fixed.


From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Dody Gunawinata
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 11:25 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] [ANN] IronPython 2.6 ASP.NET integration

Awesome. Thank you so much. Now I can upgrade to final version of IronPython 2.6 :)

Dody Gunawinata

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 9:33 PM, Jimmy Schementi <Jimmy.Schementi at microsoft.com<mailto:Jimmy.Schementi at microsoft.com>> wrote:

The ASP.NET<http://ASP.NET> integration (Microsoft.Web.Scripting.dll) has been updated to work with the final version of IronPython 2.6:

Download it here:

Read more about the project here:

And for all those curious about how it works:

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